(en) Anna Frebel, Norbert Christlieb, John E. Norris, Christopher Thom, Timothy C. Beers et Jaehyon Rhee, « Discovery of HE 1523–0901, a Strongly r-Process-enhanced Metal-poor Star with Detected Uranium », The Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 660, no 2, (DOI10.1086/518122, résumé)
(en) Anna Frebel, Norbert Christlieb, John E. Norris, Christopher Thom, Timothy C. Beers et Jaehyon Rhee, « Discovery of HE 1523–0901, a Strongly r-Process-enhanced Metal-poor Star with Detected Uranium », The Astrophysical Journal Letters, vol. 660, no 2, (DOI10.1086/518122, résumé)