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Loraleigh Keashly et Joel H. Neuman, « Faculty Experiences with Bullying in Higher Education: Causes, Consequences, and Management », Administrative Theory & Praxis, vol. 32, no 1, , p. 48–70 (DOI10.2753/ATP1084-1806320103, S2CID142766958)
Morteza Mahmoudi, « The need for a global committee on academic behaviour ethics », dans The Lancet, vol. 394, , 1410 p. (PMID31631849, DOI10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31361-3), chap. 10207
David Thompson, Tiny Arora et Sonia Sharp, Bullying: Effective strategies for long-term improvement, (Summaries at Eric, at Jstor)
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Morteza Mahmoudi, « The need for a global committee on academic behaviour ethics », dans The Lancet, vol. 394, , 1410 p. (PMID31631849, DOI10.1016/S0140-6736(19)31361-3), chap. 10207
Heike Egner et Anke Uhlenwinkel, « Dismissal and public demotion of professors: An empirical analysis of structural commonalities in apparently different 'cases' (translated from the German article «Entlassung und öffentliche Degradierung von Professorinnen. Eine empirische Analyse struktureller Gemeinsamkeiten anscheinend unterschiedlicher "Fälle"») », Beiträge zur Hochschulforschung, vol. 43, nos 1–2, , p. 62–84 (lire en ligne)
McKay, R. Arnold, D. H. Fratzl, J. Thomas, R., « Workplace Bullying in Academia: A Canadian Study », Employee Responsibilities and Rights Journal, vol. 20, no 2, , p. 77–100 (DOI10.1007/s10672-008-9073-3, S2CID155084423)
Loraleigh Keashly et Joel H. Neuman, « Faculty Experiences with Bullying in Higher Education: Causes, Consequences, and Management », Administrative Theory & Praxis, vol. 32, no 1, , p. 48–70 (DOI10.2753/ATP1084-1806320103, S2CID142766958)