(en) Mira Schor, Emma Amos, Susan Bee, Johanna Drucker, María Fernández, Amelia Jones, Shirley Kaneda, Helen Molesworth, Howardena Pindell, Mira Schor, Collier Schorr & Faith Wilding, « Contemporary Feminism: Art Practice, Theory, and Activism—An Intergenerational Perspective », Art Journal, , p. 8-29 (DOI10.1080/00043249).
(en) "Biography", Artist website, Retrieved 24 octobre 2018.
(en) Robert Henkes, The art of Black American women : works of twenty-four artists of the twentieth century, Jefferson, N.C., McFarland, , 274 p. (ISBN0-89950-818-9, lire en ligne).