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(en) Aazh H, McFerran D, Salvi R, Prasher D, Jastreboff M, Jastreboff P, « Insights from the first international conference on hyperacusis: Causes, evaluation, diagnosis and treatment », Noise Health, vol. 16, no 69, , p. 123-6. (PMID24804717, DOI10.4103/1463-1741.132100, lire en ligne [html])modifier
Amanda J. Hall, Rachel Humphriss, David M. Baguley et Melanie Parker, « Prevalence and risk factors for reduced sound tolerance (hyperacusis) in children », International Journal of Audiology, vol. 0, , p. 1-7 (ISSN1499-2027, PMID26642866, DOI10.3109/14992027.2015.1092055, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(es) Ramírez LM, Ballesteros LE, Sandoval GP. « [Otological symptoms among patients with temporomandibular joint disorders] » Rev Med Chil. 2007 Dec;135(12):1582-90. PMID18357361DOIS0034-98872007001200013.
(en) Guerra Jiménez G, Mazón Gutiérrez A, Marco de Lucas E, Valle San Román N, Martín Laez R, Morales Angulo C. « Audio-vestibular signs and symptoms in Chiari malformation type I. Case series and literature review » Acta Otorrinolaringol Esp. 2014 Sep 4. pii: S0001-6519(14)00129-0. DOI10.1016/j.otorri.2014.05.002PMID25195076
(en) Sun W, Manohar S, Jayaram A, Kumaraguru A, Fu Q, Li J, Allman B, « Early age conductive hearing loss causes audiogenic seizure and hyperacusis behavior », Hear Res, vol. 282, nos 1-2, , p. 178-83. (PMID21872651, PMCIDPMC3230688, DOI10.1016/j.heares.2011.08.004)modifier
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(en-US) Hashir Aazh, Marlies Knipper, Ali A. Danesh et Andrea E. Cavanna, « Insights from the Third International Conference on Hyperacusis: Causes, Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment », Noise and Health, vol. 20, no 95, , p. 162 (ISSN1463-1741, DOI10.4103/nah.NAH_2_18, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Craig Formby, JoAnne Payne, Xin Yang et Delphanie Wu, « Repeated Measurement of Absolute and Relative Judgments of Loudness: Clinical Relevance for Prescriptive Fitting of Aided Target Gains for soft, Comfortable, and Loud, But Ok Sound Levels », Seminars in Hearing, vol. 38, no 01, , p. 026–052 (ISSN0734-0451 et 1098-8955, PMID28286363, PMCIDPMC5344689, DOI10.1055/s-0037-1598064, lire en ligne, consulté le )
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Amanda J. Hall, Rachel Humphriss, David M. Baguley et Melanie Parker, « Prevalence and risk factors for reduced sound tolerance (hyperacusis) in children », International Journal of Audiology, vol. 0, , p. 1-7 (ISSN1499-2027, PMID26642866, DOI10.3109/14992027.2015.1092055, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Sandra Lira Bastos de Magalhães, Yotaka Fukuda, Raquel Isabel Gusmán Liriano et Fernando A. Ioriatti Chami, « Relation of hyperacusis in sensorineural tinnitus patients with normal audiological assessment », The International Tinnitus Journal, vol. 9, , p. 79-83 (ISSN0946-5448, PMID15106278, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en-US) Hashir Aazh, Marlies Knipper, Ali A. Danesh et Andrea E. Cavanna, « Insights from the Third International Conference on Hyperacusis: Causes, Evaluation, Diagnosis, and Treatment », Noise and Health, vol. 20, no 95, , p. 162 (ISSN1463-1741, DOI10.4103/nah.NAH_2_18, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Craig Formby, JoAnne Payne, Xin Yang et Delphanie Wu, « Repeated Measurement of Absolute and Relative Judgments of Loudness: Clinical Relevance for Prescriptive Fitting of Aided Target Gains for soft, Comfortable, and Loud, But Ok Sound Levels », Seminars in Hearing, vol. 38, no 01, , p. 026–052 (ISSN0734-0451 et 1098-8955, PMID28286363, PMCIDPMC5344689, DOI10.1055/s-0037-1598064, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Madeira G., Montmirail C. H., Decat M. et Gersdorff M., « TRT : efficacité après un an de traitement. », Revue de laryngologie, d'otologie et de rhinologie, Bordeaux, vol. 128, no 3, , p. 145-148 (ISSN0035-1334, PMID18323325, résumé).
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(sv) Andersson G, Jüris L, Kaldo V, Baguley DM, Larsen HC, Ekselius L, « [Hyperacusis--an unexplored field. Cognitive behavior therapy can relieve problems in auditory intolerance, a condition with many questions] », Lakartidningen, vol. 102, no 44, , p. 3210-2. (PMID16329450)modifier
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