(en) Annabel Leathes, « Britney Spears Greatest Hits: My Prerogative », sur bbc.co.uk, BBC, (consulté le ) : « Two robust, unreleased tracks, "I've Just Begun (Having My Fun)" and "Do Somethin'" suggest, however, that she may still be churning out a few more No.1s before taking time out to sing lullabies to her brood. »
(en) Louis Pattison, « Britney Spears Greatest Hits: My Prerogative », sur nme.com, NME, (consulté le ) : « Ominously entitled ‘I’ve Just Begun (Having My Fun)’, it chimes rather oddly with Britney’s much-vaunted desire to start a family. “I’m just a crazy kind of girl/ I’ll tell it to the world,” she sings, “Don’t want to settle down”. »