Joanna Elfving-Hwang, Routledge Handbook of Celebrity Studies, Routledge, , 190–201 p. (ISBN978-1-315-77677-4, DOI10.4324/9781315776774-12), « Idoles K-pop, beauté artificielle et relations affectives avec les fans en Corée du Sud »
(en) Kim, « Reshaped, reconnected and redefined: Media portrayals of Korean pop idol fandom in Korea », The Journal of Fandom Studies, vol. 3, no 1, , p. 79–93 (DOI10.1386/jfs.3.1.79_1, lire en ligne)
(en) Kim, « Reshaped, reconnected and redefined: Media portrayals of Korean pop idol fandom in Korea », The Journal of Fandom Studies, vol. 3, no 1, , p. 79–93 (DOI10.1386/jfs.3.1.79_1, lire en ligne)
« 케이팝을 움직이는 손, '대형 기획사' » [archive du ], pressian Professor Lee Dong-yeon, (consulté le ) : « [Like the producer of “New Kids on the Block,” Lee Soo-man auditioned for teenagers in Korea and the United States and then recruited members of the group. The group that was created in that way is H.O.T] »
« 케이팝을 움직이는 손, '대형 기획사' » [archive du ], pressian Professor Lee Dong-yeon, (consulté le ) : « [Like the producer of “New Kids on the Block,” Lee Soo-man auditioned for teenagers in Korea and the United States and then recruited members of the group. The group that was created in that way is H.O.T] »