(nl) Jacob Korevaar et Robert Tijdeman, « De geschiedenis van Indagationes Mathematicae », Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5e série, vol. 14, , p. 66–72 (lire en ligne).
(nl) Henk Broer, « Indagationes Mathematicae 2009--2018 », Nieuw Archief voor Wiskunde, 5th Ser., vol. 20, , p. 9–10 (lire en ligne).
Reed Elsevier Timeline, University Library, Northern Illinois University, accessed 2017-01-20.
Donald Knuth, « Questions and Answers II », TUGboat, vol. 17, , p. 355–367 (lire en ligne). Réimpression : chapitre 32 de Digital Typography, p. 601–624 et notamment p. 364 (p. 620): « And the third source was a copy of Indagationes Mathematicae, the Dutch journal. There's a long fine tradition of quality printing in the Netherlands, and I selected an issue from 1950 or thereabouts, where again I thought that the mathematics was particularly well done. ».