« A STUDY ON CRIPPLING IN SKELETAL FLUOROSIS » : « Rigidity of Neck and Restricted Movements of Skull, Kyphosis of thoracic vertebrae, Scoliosis in the chest, bending downwards to see the floor without seeing the sky, criss cross walking, Joint pains in the upper and lower extremities, Genuvarum with bowing of leg, Crippling state of patient without movement, Paraesthesia and Paraplegia are the findings recorded
crippling »
« Effects of Fluoridated Water on Pineal Morphology in Male Rats » : « In humans, the degree of pineal calcification, which has been found to increase with age, is also inversely related to MEL secretion. increased volume of acervuli was associated with decreased levels of MEL.
reductions in the numbers of both light and dark pinealocytes per unit area (...)
Similar decreases in the ratio of pinealocytes to
supporting cells are seen in aged rats (...) and rats exposed to constant illumination »