Intoxication au toluène (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Intoxication au toluène" in French language version.

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4th place
12th place
2nd place
3rd place
5th place
13th place
218th place
480th place
4,334th place
4,922nd place
1,226th place
347th place

  • (en) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological profile for toluene, Atlanta, GA, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, (OCLC 47129207, lire en ligne).

  • (en) M Shou, T. Lu, KW Krausz, Y. Sai, T. Yang, KR Korzekwa, FJ Gonzalez et HV Gelboin, « Use of inhibitory monoclonal antibodies to assess the contribution of cytochromes P450 to human drug metabolism », European Journal of Pharmacology, vol. 394, nos 2-3,‎ , p. 199–209 (PMID 10771285, DOI 10.1016/S0014-2999(00)00079-0).
  • (en) T Nakajima, RS Wang, E. Elovaara, FJ Gonzalez, HV Gelboin, H. Raunio, O. Pelkonen, H. Vainio et T. Aoyama, « Toluene metabolism by cDNA-expressed human hepatic cytochrome P450 », Biochemical Pharmacology, vol. 53, no 3,‎ , p. 271–7 (PMID 9065730, DOI 10.1016/S0006-2952(96)00652-1).
  • (en) DE Chapman, TJ Moore, SR Michener et G. Powis, « Metabolism and covalent binding of [14C]toluene by human and rat liver microsomal fractions and liver slices », Drug Metabolism and Disposition, vol. 18, no 6,‎ , p. 929–36 (PMID 1981539).
  • (en) T. Kawamoto, K. Matsuno, Y. Kodama, K. Murata et S. Matsuda, « ALDH2 polymorphism and biological monitoring of toluene », Archives of Environmental Health, vol. 49, no 5,‎ , p. 332–6 (PMID 7944563).
  • (en) Z. Gregus, T. Fekete, E. Halászi et C.D. Klaassen, « Lipoic acid impairs glycine conjugation of benzoic acid and renal excretion of benzoylglycine », Drug Metabolism and Disposition, vol. 24, no 6,‎ , p. 682–8 (PMID 8781786).
  • (en) G Lesaffer, R De Smet, T D'Heuvaert, FM Belpaire, N Lameire et R Vanholder, « Comparative kinetics of the uremic toxin p-cresol versus creatinine in rats with and without renal failure », Kidney International, vol. 64, no 4,‎ , p. 1365–73 (PMID 12969155, DOI 10.1046/j.1523-1755.2003.00228.x)
  • (en) L Wilkins-Haug, « Teratogen update: toluene », Teratology, vol. 55, no 2,‎ , p. 145–51 (PMID 9143096, DOI 10.1002/(SICI)1096-9926(199702)55:2<145::AID-TERA5>3.0.CO;2-2)
  • (en) W Tassaneeyakul, DJ Birkett, Edwards, ME Veronese, W Tassaneeyakul, RH Tukey et JO Miners, « Human cytochrome P450 isoform specificity in the regioselective metabolism of toluene and o-, m- and p-xylene », J. Pharmacol. Exp. Ther., vol. 276, no 1,‎ , p. 101–8 (PMID 8558417)
  • (en) M Wallen, PH Näslund et MB Nordqvist, « The effects of ethanol on the kinetics of toluene in man », Toxicology and Applied Pharmacology, vol. 76, no 3,‎ , p. 414–9 (PMID 6506069)
  • (en) T Nakajima, RS Wang et N Murayama, « Immunochemical assessment of the influence of nutritional, physiological and environmental factors on the metabolism of toluene », International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, vol. 65, no 1 Supplement,‎ , S127–30 (PMID 8406908, DOI 10.1007/BF00381323)
  • (en) EW Hjelm, PH Näslund et M Wallén, « Influence of cigarette smoking on the toxicokinetics of toluene in humans », Journal of Toxicology and Environmental Health, vol. 25, no 2,‎ , p. 155–63 (PMID 3172270)
  • (en) Y Duydu, S Süzen, N Erdem, H Uysal et N Vural, « Validation of hippuric acid as a biomarker of toluene exposure », Bulletin of Environmental Contamination and Toxicology, vol. 63, no 1,‎ , p. 1–8 (PMID 10423476, DOI 10.1007/s001289900940)
  • (en) J Angerer, « Occupational chronic exposure to organic solvents. XII. O-cresol excretion after toluene exposure », International Archive of Occupational and Environmental Health, vol. 56, no 4,‎ , p. 323–8 (PMID 4066055, DOI 10.1007/BF00405273)
  • (en) J Angerer, « Occupational chronic exposure to organic solvents. XVI. Ambient and biological monitoring of workers exposed to toluene », International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, vol. 69, no 2,‎ , p. 91–6 (PMID 9001914, DOI 10.1007/s004200050121)
  • (en) O Inoue, « Effects of smoking and drinking on excretion of hippuric acid among toluene-exposed workers », International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, vol. 64, no 6,‎ , p. 425–30 (PMID 8458658, DOI 10.1007/BF00517948)
  • (en) O Inoue, « Effects of smoking and drinking habits on urinary o-cresol excretion after occupational exposure to toluene vapor among Chinese workers », American Journal of Industrial Medicine, vol. 25, no 5,‎ , p. 697–708 (PMID 8030640)
  • (en) S Laham, « Biological conversion of benzaldehyde to benzylmercapturic acid in the Sprague-Dawley rat », Drug and Chemical Toxicology, vol. 10, nos 3-4,‎ , p. 209–25 (PMID 3428183)
  • (en) O Inoue, « Benzylmercapturic acid is superior to hippuric acid and o-cresol as a urinary marker of occupational exposure to toluene », Toxicology Letters, vol. 147, no 2,‎ , p. 177–86 (PMID 14757321, DOI 10.1016/j.toxlet.2003.11.003)
  • (en) O Inoue, « Urinary benzylmercapturic acid as a marker of occupational exposure to toluene », International Archives of Occupational and Environmental Health, vol. 75, no 5,‎ , p. 341–7 (PMID 11981673, DOI 10.1007/s00420-002-0322-8)
  • (en) Y. Miyagi, F. Shima, K. Ishido, T. Yasutake et K. Kamikaseda, « Tremor induced by toluene misuse successfully treated by a Vim thalamotomy », Journal of Neurology Neurosurgery and Psychiatry, vol. 66, no 6,‎ , p. 794–796 (PMID 10329759, lire en ligne)
  • (en) H Yamaguchi, « Toluene at environmentally relevant low levels disrupts differentiation of astrocyte precursor cells », Archives of Environmental Health, vol. 57, no 3,‎ , p. 232–8 (PMID 12507177)

  • (en) Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, Toxicological profile for toluene, Atlanta, GA, Agency for Toxic Substances and Disease Registry, (OCLC 47129207, lire en ligne).