(en) Chandni Praveen, Brooke A. Dancho, David H. Kingsley, Kevin R. Calci, Gloria K. Meade, Kristina D. Mena et Suresh D. Pillai, « Susceptibility of murine norovirus and hepatitis A virus to electron beam irradiation in oysters and quantifying the reduction in potential infection risks », Applied and Environmental Microbiology, ASM, vol. 79, no 12, , p. 3796-3801 (ISSN0099-2240, 1098-5336 et 1070-6291, PMID23584781, PMCID3675951, DOI10.1128/AEM.00347-13, lire en ligne).
« Page d'accueil », sur contactalimentaire.com (consulté le ).
(en) Chandni Praveen, Brooke A. Dancho, David H. Kingsley, Kevin R. Calci, Gloria K. Meade, Kristina D. Mena et Suresh D. Pillai, « Susceptibility of murine norovirus and hepatitis A virus to electron beam irradiation in oysters and quantifying the reduction in potential infection risks », Applied and Environmental Microbiology, ASM, vol. 79, no 12, , p. 3796-3801 (ISSN0099-2240, 1098-5336 et 1070-6291, PMID23584781, PMCID3675951, DOI10.1128/AEM.00347-13, lire en ligne).
Louis Saint-Lèbe, Gérard Berger, Alain Mucchielli, Bernard Coquet, « Évaluation toxicologique de l'amidon de maïs irradié », dans Radiation Preservation of Food, International Atomic Energy Agency, p. 727-740, Vienne, 1973 FAO Online Catalogues
Louis Saint-Lebe, Gérard Berger, Alain Mucchielli, « Influence d'une irradiation gamma sur la salubrite et les proprietes technologiques de l'amidon de mais », Panel on Improvement of Food Quality by Irradiation, 18 juin 1973, Panel proceedings series, Vienna (Austria), International Atomic Energy Agency. p. 51-60FAO Online Catalogues
(en) Alessandra Menezes Campos (d), Angélica B Barbezan (d) et Anna Lucia Casañas Haasis Villavicencio (d), Information on the presence of 2 - Alkylcyclobutanones in animal feed after ionizing radiation treatment, vol. 48, Rio de Janeiro, International Nuclear Atlantic Conference(pt) (INAC) / Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear (ABEN), , 7 p., 21 cm (présentation en ligne, lire en ligne [PDF]).
(en) Chandni Praveen, Brooke A. Dancho, David H. Kingsley, Kevin R. Calci, Gloria K. Meade, Kristina D. Mena et Suresh D. Pillai, « Susceptibility of murine norovirus and hepatitis A virus to electron beam irradiation in oysters and quantifying the reduction in potential infection risks », Applied and Environmental Microbiology, ASM, vol. 79, no 12, , p. 3796-3801 (ISSN0099-2240, 1098-5336 et 1070-6291, PMID23584781, PMCID3675951, DOI10.1128/AEM.00347-13, lire en ligne).
(en) Chandni Praveen, Brooke A. Dancho, David H. Kingsley, Kevin R. Calci, Gloria K. Meade, Kristina D. Mena et Suresh D. Pillai, « Susceptibility of murine norovirus and hepatitis A virus to electron beam irradiation in oysters and quantifying the reduction in potential infection risks », Applied and Environmental Microbiology, ASM, vol. 79, no 12, , p. 3796-3801 (ISSN0099-2240, 1098-5336 et 1070-6291, PMID23584781, PMCID3675951, DOI10.1128/AEM.00347-13, lire en ligne).
(en) Nadine Knoll, Anja Weise, Uwe Claussen, Wolfgang Sendt, Brigitte Marian, Michael Glei, Beatrice L. Pool-Zobel « 2-Dodecylcyclobutanone, a radiolytic product of palmitic acid, is genotoxic in primary human colon cells and in cells from preneoplastic lesions » Mutation Research/Fundamental and Molecular Mechanisms of Mutagenesis, volume 594, no 1–2, 22 février 2006, p. 10–19) (résumé)
High-Dose Irradiation: Wholesomeness Of Food Irradiated With Doses Above 10kGy (FAO, Genève, 1999)]
(en) Chandni Praveen, Brooke A. Dancho, David H. Kingsley, Kevin R. Calci, Gloria K. Meade, Kristina D. Mena et Suresh D. Pillai, « Susceptibility of murine norovirus and hepatitis A virus to electron beam irradiation in oysters and quantifying the reduction in potential infection risks », Applied and Environmental Microbiology, ASM, vol. 79, no 12, , p. 3796-3801 (ISSN0099-2240, 1098-5336 et 1070-6291, PMID23584781, PMCID3675951, DOI10.1128/AEM.00347-13, lire en ligne).
(en) Alessandra Menezes Campos (d), Angélica B Barbezan (d) et Anna Lucia Casañas Haasis Villavicencio (d), Information on the presence of 2 - Alkylcyclobutanones in animal feed after ionizing radiation treatment, vol. 48, Rio de Janeiro, International Nuclear Atlantic Conference(pt) (INAC) / Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear (ABEN), , 7 p., 21 cm (présentation en ligne, lire en ligne [PDF]).
(en) Alessandra Menezes Campos (d), Angélica B Barbezan (d) et Anna Lucia Casañas Haasis Villavicencio (d), Information on the presence of 2 - Alkylcyclobutanones in animal feed after ionizing radiation treatment, vol. 48, Rio de Janeiro, International Nuclear Atlantic Conference(pt) (INAC) / Associação Brasileira de Energia Nuclear (ABEN), , 7 p., 21 cm (présentation en ligne, lire en ligne [PDF]).