(en) Janine Krippner, Alexander Belousov, Marina G. Belousova et Michael S. Ramsey, « Parametric analysis of lava dome-collapse events and pyroclastic deposits at Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, using visible and infrared satellite data », Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 354, , p. 115–129 (DOI10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.01.027, Bibcode2018JVGR..354..115K, lire en ligne).
(en) Joe Barnes, « Bali volcano news update: INCREDIBLE Mount Agung time-lapse – ERUPTION to STRENGTHEN », Daily Express, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Janine Krippner, Alexander Belousov, Marina G. Belousova et Michael S. Ramsey, « Parametric analysis of lava dome-collapse events and pyroclastic deposits at Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, using visible and infrared satellite data », Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 354, , p. 115–129 (DOI10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.01.027, Bibcode2018JVGR..354..115K, lire en ligne).
(en) Janine Krippner, Alexander Belousov, Marina G. Belousova et Michael S. Ramsey, « Parametric analysis of lava dome-collapse events and pyroclastic deposits at Shiveluch volcano, Kamchatka, using visible and infrared satellite data », Journal of Volcanology and Geothermal Research, vol. 354, , p. 115–129 (DOI10.1016/j.jvolgeores.2018.01.027, Bibcode2018JVGR..354..115K, lire en ligne).
(en) Bec Crew, « New Zealand's Earthquake Was So Intense, It Lifted The Sea Bed 2 Metres Above Ground », ScienceAlert, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).