Jan Koura, « A prominent spy: Mehdi Ben Barka, Czechoslovak intelligence, and Eastern Bloc espionage in the Third World during the Cold War », Intelligence and National Security, vol. 36, no 3, , p. 318–339 (ISSN0268-4527, DOI10.1080/02684527.2020.1844363, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Jan Koura, « A prominent spy: Mehdi Ben Barka, Czechoslovak intelligence, and Eastern Bloc espionage in the Third World during the Cold War », Intelligence and National Security, vol. 36, no 3, , p. 318–339 (ISSN0268-4527, DOI10.1080/02684527.2020.1844363, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Jan Koura, « A prominent spy: Mehdi Ben Barka, Czechoslovak intelligence, and Eastern Bloc espionage in the Third World during the Cold War », Intelligence and National Security, vol. 36, no 3, , p. 318–339 (ISSN0268-4527, DOI10.1080/02684527.2020.1844363, lire en ligne, consulté le ).