DeJean, John Addington Symonds, A Problem in Greek Ethics: Being an Inquiry Into the Phenomenonof Sexual Inversion, Addressed Especially to Medical Psychologists and Jurists, Areopagitiga Society, , 2– (lire en ligne)
« Review of The Life of Benvenuto Cellini, newly translated by John Addington Symonds », The Saturday Review of Politics, Literature, Science, and Art, vol. 64, no 1673, , p. 703–704 (lire en ligne)
Margaret Symonds est l'auteur de Days Spent on a Doge's Farm et le co-auteur avec Lina Duff Gordon deThe Story of Perugia. En 1898, elle épousa William Wyamar VaughanWho's Who, A. & C. Black, , « Vaughan, Mrs. W. W. », p. 1795