John Atherton (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "John Atherton" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
3,220th place
507th place
low place
low place
9,985th place
low place

  • (en) Biographia Britannica: Or, The Lives of the Most Eminent Persons who Have Flourished in Great Britain and Ireland, from the Earliest Ages, Down to the Present Times, W. Innys, (lire en ligne), p. 246
  • (en) Andrew May, Bloody British History: Somerset, The History Press, (ISBN 978-0-7524-8754-0, lire en ligne)
  • (en) Andrea Zuvich, Sex and Sexuality in Stuart Britain, Pen and Sword History, (ISBN 978-1-5267-5308-3, lire en ligne)
  • (en) Andrew Carpenter, Verse in English from Tudor and Stuart Ireland, Cork University Press, (ISBN 978-1-85918-373-1, lire en ligne), p. 218

  • Rictor Norton (éd.), "The Life and Death of John Atherton, 1641", Homosexuality in Eighteenth-Century England: A Sourcebook, 16 février 2004 (mis à jour le 15 juin 2008) [lire en ligne (page consultée le 3.6.2022)]