George K. York et David A. Steinberg, « Hughlings Jackson's neurological ideas. », Brain : A Journal of Neurology, vol. 134, no Pt 10, , p. 3106–3113 (PMID21903729, DOI10.1093/brain/awr219, lire en ligne)
Esther Lardreau, « An approach to nineteenth-century medical lexicon: the term "dreamy state". », Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, vol. 20, no 1, , p. 34–41 (PMID21253938, DOI10.1080/09647041003740937, lire en ligne)
C G Phillips, « Proceedings: Hughlings Jackson Lecture. Cortical localization and "sensori motor processes" at the "middle level" in primates. », Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 66, no 10, , p. 987–1002 (PMID4202444, PMCID1645607, DOI10.1177/003591577306601015)
G. E. Berrios, « The factors of insanities: J. Hughlings Jackson. Classic Text No. 47 », History of Psychiatry, vol. 12, no 47 Pt 3, , p. 353–73 (PMID11954572, DOI10.1177/0957154x0101204705)
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George K. York et David A. Steinberg, « Hughlings Jackson's neurological ideas. », Brain : A Journal of Neurology, vol. 134, no Pt 10, , p. 3106–3113 (PMID21903729, DOI10.1093/brain/awr219, lire en ligne)
Esther Lardreau, « An approach to nineteenth-century medical lexicon: the term "dreamy state". », Journal of the History of the Neurosciences, vol. 20, no 1, , p. 34–41 (PMID21253938, DOI10.1080/09647041003740937, lire en ligne)
C G Phillips, « Proceedings: Hughlings Jackson Lecture. Cortical localization and "sensori motor processes" at the "middle level" in primates. », Proceedings of the Royal Society of Medicine, vol. 66, no 10, , p. 987–1002 (PMID4202444, PMCID1645607, DOI10.1177/003591577306601015)
G. E. Berrios, « The factors of insanities: J. Hughlings Jackson. Classic Text No. 47 », History of Psychiatry, vol. 12, no 47 Pt 3, , p. 353–73 (PMID11954572, DOI10.1177/0957154x0101204705)