Michael Bryan, Robert Edmund Graves et Walter Armstrong, Dictionary of painters and engravers, biographical and critical, London : G. Bell and Sons, (lire en ligne).
(en) Anne Crookshank, Barralet, John James (1747–1815), watercolour painter, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, (DOI10.1093/ref:odnb/1504, lire en ligne).
Harbison, « Barralet and Beranger's Antiquarian Sketching Tour through Wicklow and Wexford in the Autumn of 1780 », Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature, vol. 104C, no 6, , p. 131–190 (ISSN2009-0048, DOI10.1353/ria.2004.0002, lire en ligne).
Harbison, « Barralet and Beranger's Antiquarian Sketching Tour through Wicklow and Wexford in the Autumn of 1780 », Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature, vol. 104C, no 6, , p. 131–190 (ISSN2009-0048, DOI10.1353/ria.2004.0002, lire en ligne).
Raley, « John James Barralet in Dublin and Philadelphia », Irish Arts Review (1984-1987), vol. 2, no 3, , p. 19–25 (ISSN0790-178X, lire en ligne).
Harbison, « Barralet and Beranger's Antiquarian Sketching Tour through Wicklow and Wexford in the Autumn of 1780 », Proceedings of the Royal Irish Academy: Archaeology, Culture, History, Literature, vol. 104C, no 6, , p. 131–190 (ISSN2009-0048, DOI10.1353/ria.2004.0002, lire en ligne).
Raley, « John James Barralet in Dublin and Philadelphia », Irish Arts Review (1984-1987), vol. 2, no 3, , p. 19–25 (ISSN0790-178X, lire en ligne).
(en) Anne Crookshank, Barralet, John James (1747–1815), watercolour painter, vol. 1, Oxford University Press, (DOI10.1093/ref:odnb/1504, lire en ligne).