Henry Angelo, Angelo's pic nic ; or, Table talk: including numerous recollections of public characters, who have figured in some part or another of the stage of life for the last fifty years; forming an endless variety of talent, amusement, and interest, calculated to please every person fond of biographical ... : XVIIIe – XIXe siècle : 1650-1820, Paris, J. Ebers, . Publication with a prefatory note on the Angelo family by rev. Charles Swynnerton. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.,, 1905. In-4°, XXXVII-267 p. et 24 pl.(BNF31722226)
Henry Angelo, Angelo's pic nic ; or, Table talk: including numerous recollections of public characters, who have figured in some part or another of the stage of life for the last fifty years; forming an endless variety of talent, amusement, and interest, calculated to please every person fond of biographical ... : XVIIIe – XIXe siècle : 1650-1820, Paris, J. Ebers, . Publication with a prefatory note on the Angelo family by rev. Charles Swynnerton. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.,, 1905. In-4°, XXXVII-267 p. et 24 pl.(BNF31722226)
(fr) Soubise, Julius (1754-1798). Un africain, amené en Angleterre de st. Kitt à l'âge de dix ans. Il est devenu un favori de Catherine Hyde, la Duchesse de Queensbury, qui a subventionné son style de vie extravagant. Coureur de jupons incorrigible, Soubise fit souvent l'objet d'articles satiriques le décrivant comme un dandy. Sancho lui écrit plusieurs fois lui conseillant de se réformer, mais le conseil passa inaperçu. En 1777, il s'enfuit en Inde après le viol d'une des employées de maison de la duchesse. Traduction d'après : « Ignatius Sancho's Friends and Family », sur brycchancarey.com, brycchancarey.com, (consulté le )
Henry Angelo, Angelo's pic nic ; or, Table talk: including numerous recollections of public characters, who have figured in some part or another of the stage of life for the last fifty years; forming an endless variety of talent, amusement, and interest, calculated to please every person fond of biographical ... : XVIIIe – XIXe siècle : 1650-1820, Paris, J. Ebers, . Publication with a prefatory note on the Angelo family by rev. Charles Swynnerton. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.,, 1905. In-4°, XXXVII-267 p. et 24 pl.(BNF31722226)
Henry Angelo, Angelo's pic nic ; or, Table talk: including numerous recollections of public characters, who have figured in some part or another of the stage of life for the last fifty years; forming an endless variety of talent, amusement, and interest, calculated to please every person fond of biographical ... : XVIIIe – XIXe siècle : 1650-1820, Paris, J. Ebers, . Publication with a prefatory note on the Angelo family by rev. Charles Swynnerton. London, K. Paul, Trench, Trübner and Co.,, 1905. In-4°, XXXVII-267 p. et 24 pl.(BNF31722226)