(en) Richard Sale, The challenge of K2 : a history of the savage mountain, Barnsley, Pen & Sword Discovery, , 272 p. (ISBN9781848842137, lire en ligne), p. 5-6
(en) Richard Sale, The challenge of K2 : a history of the savage mountain, Barnsley, Pen & Sword Discovery, , 272 p. (ISBN9781848842137, lire en ligne), p. 16-17
Ch. S. Houston, R. H. Bates, K 2, Montagne sans pitié, Paris, Grenoble, Arthaud, 1954, in Paul Veyret, Revue de géographie alpine, Vol. 43, no 43-2, 1955, page 479.
(en) « Historic K2 team make it back safely to base camp », « The 10 Nepali climbers had been spread across different expeditions at the start, but formed a new group in order to claim the summit »