Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "La Femme en bleu lisant une lettre" in French language version.
« in Braun-Vega's Mercado I, [...] he plunks a meat market down in what appears to be a railroad shed, sets out a spread of fruits in the foreground that is as bounteous as the flesh in the back, [...] and in the middle of everything sets the well-known reading woman from Vermeer's Woman in Blue, Reading a Letter—here looking as if she's poring over her shopping list. »
« CARATULA: «El escribano público» (inspirado en Vermeer) se titula este acrílico sobre tela que presentará en la 2a Bienal de Trujillo Herman Braun-Vega. »
« in Braun-Vega's Mercado I, [...] he plunks a meat market down in what appears to be a railroad shed, sets out a spread of fruits in the foreground that is as bounteous as the flesh in the back, [...] and in the middle of everything sets the well-known reading woman from Vermeer's Woman in Blue, Reading a Letter—here looking as if she's poring over her shopping list. »