(en) Eugene L. Rasor, The Titanic : Historiography and Annotated Bibliography, Westport, Connecticut, Greenwood Press, coll. « Bibliographies and Indexes in World History », , 238 p. (ISBN0-313-31215-X, lire en ligne), p. 2, 71, 79, 101.
(en) Brian Hubner, « Book Reviews : Titanic: The Official Story, April 14-15, 1912 / The Titanic Collection: Mementos of the Maiden Voyage », Archivaria, Association of Canadian Archivists, no 46, , p. 183–185 (ISSN0318-6954, lire en ligne).
(en) Brian Hubner, « Book Reviews : Titanic: The Official Story, April 14-15, 1912 / The Titanic Collection: Mementos of the Maiden Voyage », Archivaria, Association of Canadian Archivists, no 46, , p. 183–185 (ISSN0318-6954, lire en ligne).