(en) Offit, Paul A., « The Cutter incident, 50 years later », N. Engl. J. Med., vol. 352, no 14, , p. 1411–1412 (PMID15814877, DOI10.1056/NEJMp048180)
(en) Nathanson N. et Langmuir A. D., « The Cutter incident. poliomyelitis following formaldehyde-inactivated poliovirus vaccination in the United States during the spring of 1955. II. Relationship of poliomyelitis to Cutter vaccine », Am. J. Hyg., vol. 78, , p. 29–60 (PMID14043545)
(en) Offit, Paul A., « The Cutter incident, 50 years later », N. Engl. J. Med., vol. 352, no 14, , p. 1411–1412 (PMID15814877, DOI10.1056/NEJMp048180)
(en) Michael E. Ruane, « The tainted polio vaccine that sickened and fatally paralyzed children in 1955 », washingtonpost.com, (lire en ligne).