Langues en Turquie (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Langues en Turquie" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
57th place
4th place
121st place
192nd place
1st place
1st place
834th place
7,359th place
26th place
110th place
2nd place
3rd place
507th place
420th place
5,720th place
8,558th place
268th place
864th place
low place
low place
3,036th place
low place

  • Derya Bayır, Minorities and nationalism in Turkish law, London, Routledge, coll. « Cultural diversity and law », (ISBN 978-1-315-59551-1, lire en ligne) :

    « Oran farther points out that the rights set out for the four categories are stated to be the ‘fundamental law’ of the land, so that no legislation or official action shall conflict or interfere with these stipulations or prevail over them (article 37). [...] According to the Turkish state, only Greek, Armenian and Jewish non-Muslims were granted minority protection by the Lausanne Treaty. [...] Except for non-Muslim populations - that is, Greeks, Jews and Armenians - none of the other minority groups’ language rights have been de jure protected by the legal system in Turkey. »

  • Derya Bayır, Minorities and nationalism in Turkish law, Farnham, Ashgate Publishing, coll. « Cultural Diversity and Law », , 88, 203–204 (ISBN 978-1-4094-7254-4, lire en ligne)

  • (en) Kader Özlem, « An Evaluation on Istanbul's Bulgarians as the “Invisible Minority” of Turkey », TURAN-SAM, vol. 11, no 43,‎ , p. 387–393 (ISSN 1308-8041, lire en ligne)

  • Sule Toktas et Bulent Aras, « The EU and Minority Rights in Turkey », Political Science Quarterly, vol. 124, no 4,‎ , p. 697–720 (ISSN 0032-3195, lire en ligne)
  • (en) Yonca Köksal, « Minority Policies in Bulgaria and Turkey: The Struggle to Define a Nation », Southeast European and Black Sea Studies, vol. 6, no 4,‎ , p. 501–521 (ISSN 1468-3857, DOI 10.1080/14683850601016390, lire en ligne)
  • (en) Kader Özlem, « An Evaluation on Istanbul's Bulgarians as the “Invisible Minority” of Turkey », TURAN-SAM, vol. 11, no 43,‎ , p. 387–393 (ISSN 1308-8041, lire en ligne)

  • Sule Toktas et Bulent Aras, « The EU and Minority Rights in Turkey », Political Science Quarterly, vol. 124, no 4,‎ , p. 697–720 (ISSN 0032-3195, lire en ligne)