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(en) D. J. Leffell et I. M. Braverman, « Familial multiple lipomatosis. Report of a case and a review of the literature », J. Am. Acad. Dermatol., vol. 15, no 2 Pt 1, , p. 275–9 (PMID3745530, DOI10.1016/S0190-9622(86)70166-7)
(en) Toy BR, « Familial multiple lipomatosis », Dermatol. Online J., vol. 9, no 4, , p. 9 (PMID14594582, lire en ligne)
(en) M. Signorini et G. L. Campiglio, « Posttraumatic lipomas: where do they really come from? », Plast. Reconstr. Surg., vol. 101, no 3, , p. 699–705 (PMID9500386, DOI10.1097/00006534-199803000-00017)
(en) F. G. Bechara, M. Sand, D. Sandet al., « Lipolysis of lipomas in patients with familial multiple lipomatosis: an ultrasonography-controlled trial », J Cutan Med Surg, vol. 10, no 4, , p. 155–9 (PMID17234112, DOI10.2310/7750.2006.00040)
(en) K. M. Dalal, C. R. Antonescu et S. Singer, « Diagnosis and management of lipomatous tumors », J Surg Oncol, vol. 97, no 4, , p. 298–313 (PMID18286473, DOI10.1002/jso.20975)