Richard Bergeron, Bertrand Ouellet, Croyances et sociétés: communications présentées au dixième colloque international sur les nouveaux mouvements religieux, Montréal, août 1996], Éditions Fides, 1998, (ISBN2762119901 et 9782762119909), p. 435 : « Lobsang Rampa n'a jamais mis les pieds dans un monastère tibétain, pas plus qu'il n'est venu au Tibet. Cela n'enlève rien à la valeur romanesque de son œuvre. Je dois le remercier, il nous a fait beaucoup de publicité (9) » 9. Jean-François Mayer. « Quand l'Occident se passionne pour un Tibet imaginaire... La supercherie du faux lama Lobsang Rampa », La Liberté, Fribourg, 23-24 juin 1984, p. 11.
(en) Feeding the Flame, 1971, p. 140 : « I definitely, definitely, definitely do not recommend that ‘book’. It is just a few pages containing some articles which I wrote years ago, and it contains some - well, I consider them off-beat - illustrations not done by me. This book containing parts of my work and filled out with a lot of blurb was published entirely without my permission and entirely against my wishes ».
Note de l'auteur de « Forever You » : « All my books are true, all my claims are absolutely true [...] I was persecuted without mercy, insanely [...] I have been in the unfortunate position of knowing that I was innocent and truthful, but unable to tell anyone my side of the story [...] Let me again state that everything that I have written is true. All my claims are true. ».
(en) Donald S. Lopez, Prisoners of Shangri-La – Tibetan Buddhism and the West, The University of Chicago Press, Chicago, 1998, p. 112. Cité par Manuel Lendorfer, dans Soft-Power Resources of the Tibetan Government in Exile [PDF], thèse de maîtrise de philosophie, Vienne, mai 2009, p. 81 : « Lopez also points out that when discussing Rampa with other Tibetologists and Buddhologists in Europe, he found that The Third Eye was the first book many of them had read about Tibet; “for some it was a fascination with the world Rampa described that had led them to become professional scholars of Tibet"(Lopez 1998:112) ».