(en) Wendy L. Freedman, Barry F. Madore, Brad K. Gibson, Laura Ferrarese, Daniel D. Kelson, Shoko Sakai et coll., « Final Results from the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project to Measure the Hubble Constant », Astrophysical Journal, vol. 553, , p. 47–72 (DOI10.1086/320638, lire en ligne).
(en) Georges Lemaître, Expansion of the universe, A homogeneous universe of constant mass and increasing radius accounting for the radial velocity of extra-galactic nebulae, Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society, 91 483-490 (1931) Lire en ligne.
(en) Wendy L. Freedman, Barry F. Madore, Brad K. Gibson, Laura Ferrarese, Daniel D. Kelson, Shoko Sakai et coll., « Final Results from the Hubble Space Telescope Key Project to Measure the Hubble Constant », Astrophysical Journal, vol. 553, , p. 47–72 (DOI10.1086/320638, lire en ligne).
(en) Edwin Hubble, A Relation between Distance and Radial Velocity among Extra-Galactic Nebulae, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 15, 168-173 (1929) Lire en ligne.