Every Second Counts: The Race to Transplant the First Human Heart, Donald McRae, Chapter 7 "Mississippi Gambling," Penguin Group (G.P. Putnam's Sons), 2006, pages bottom 122 through 127.
1967: First Heart Transplant Patient Goes Under the Knife, Haaretz, This Day in Jewish History, David B. Green, 3.12.2013. " . . When he was 9, his mother took him [Louis Washkansky] and his three siblings to Cape Town, to join their father, who had come ahead of the family . . "
Heart Transplantation in Man: Developmental Studies and Report of a Case, JAMA (Journal of the American Medical Association), James D. Hardy, MD; Carlos M. Chavez, MD; Fred D. Kurrus, MD; William A. Neely, MD; Sadan Eraslan, MD; M. Don Turner, PhD; Leonard W. Fabian, MD; Thaddeus D. Labecki, MD; 188(13): 1132-1140; June 29, 1964.
(en) The Associated Press, « Heart Transplant Keeps Man Alive in South Africa », The New York Times, , p. 1 (lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) « Pneumonia Blamed in Transplant Patient's Death; New Candidate Available », The New York Times, , p. 18 (lire en ligne, consulté le )