N. Jayant, J. Johnston et R. Safranek, « Signal compression based on models of human perception », Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 81, no 10, , p. 1385–1422 (ISSN0018-9219, DOI10.1109/5.241504, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Jonathan Sterne, « The mp3 as cultural artifact », New Media & Society, vol. 8, no 5, , p. 825–842 (DOI10.1177/1461444806067737, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Bernard Cova et Véronique Cova, « Tribal marketing: The tribalisation of society and its impact on the conduct of marketing », European Journal of Marketing, vol. 36, nos 5/6, , p. 595–620 (ISSN0309-0566, DOI10.1108/03090560210423023, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Reebee Garofalo, « From Music Publishing to MP3: Music and Industry in the Twentieth Century », American Music, vol. 17, no 3, , p. 318–354 (DOI10.2307/3052666, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Joel Waldfogel, « Music file sharing and sales displacement in the iTunes era », Information Economics and Policy, special Issue: Digital Piracy, vol. 22, no 4, , p. 306–314 (DOI10.1016/j.infoecopol.2010.02.002, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Piet Bakker, « File-sharing—fight, ignore or compete: Paid download services vs. P2P-networks », Telematics and Informatics, copyright: rights-holders, user and innovators, vol. 22, nos 1–2, , p. 41–55 (DOI10.1016/j.tele.2004.06.004, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Kostas Kasaras, « Music in the Age of Free Distribution: MP3 and Society », First Monday, vol. 7, no 1, (DOI10.5210/fm.v7i1.927, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Martin Peitz et Patrick Waelbroeck, « Why the music industry may gain from free downloading — The role of sampling », International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 24, no 5, , p. 907–913 (DOI10.1016/j.ijindorg.2005.10.006, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Bernard Cova et Véronique Cova, « Tribal marketing: The tribalisation of society and its impact on the conduct of marketing », European Journal of Marketing, vol. 36, nos 5/6, , p. 595–620 (ISSN0309-0566, DOI10.1108/03090560210423023, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Kostas Kasaras, « Music in the Age of Free Distribution: MP3 and Society », First Monday, vol. 7, (ISSN1396-0466, lire en ligne)
(en) « mp3 », sur Fraunhofer Institute for Integrated Circuits IIS (consulté le ) : « On April 23, 2017, Technicolor's mp3 licensing program for certain mp3 related patents and software of Technicolor and Fraunhofer IIS has been terminated. »
Antoine Buffard et Fouad Bencheman, Tutorials Djing : L'ultimate pour apprendre à mixer Djing, Hachette Pratique, , 320 p. (ISBN978-2-01-702744-7, lire en ligne), p. 127
(en) Iben Have et Birgitte Stougaard Pedersen, Digital Audiobooks : New Media, Users, and Experiences, New York (NY) et Oxon (UK), Routledge, , 176 p. (ISBN978-1-317-58807-8, lire en ligne), p. 66
(en) Nia Cross, « Technology vs. The Music Industry: Analysis of the legal and technological implications of MP3 technology on the Music Industry », Berkman Klein Center for Internet & Society, (lire en ligne)
(en) Information technology — Generic coding of moving pictures and associated audio information - Part 3: Audio[1]
N. Jayant, J. Johnston et R. Safranek, « Signal compression based on models of human perception », Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 81, no 10, , p. 1385–1422 (ISSN0018-9219, DOI10.1109/5.241504, lire en ligne, consulté le )
N. Jayant, J. Johnston et R. Safranek, « Signal compression based on models of human perception », Proceedings of the IEEE, vol. 81, no 10, , p. 1385–1422 (ISSN0018-9219, DOI10.1109/5.241504, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Kostas Kasaras, « Music in the Age of Free Distribution: MP3 and Society », First Monday, vol. 7, (ISSN1396-0466, lire en ligne)
(en) Robert V. Kozinets, « E-Tribalized Marketing?: The Strategic Implications of Virtual Communities of Consumption », European Management Journal, vol. 17, (ISSN0263-2373)
Bernard Cova et Véronique Cova, « Tribal marketing: The tribalisation of society and its impact on the conduct of marketing », European Journal of Marketing, vol. 36, nos 5/6, , p. 595–620 (ISSN0309-0566, DOI10.1108/03090560210423023, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Ulrich Dolta, « The Music Industry and the Internet A Decade of Disruptive and Uncontrolled Sectoral Change », University of Stuttgart, Institute of Social Sciences, (ISSN2191-4990, lire en ligne)
(en) Gary Graham, Bernard Burnes, Gerard J. Lewis et Janet Langer, « The transformation of the music industry supply chain », International Journal of Operations & Production Management, vol. 24, no 11, , p.1087-1103 (ISSN0144-3577)
Reebee Garofalo, « From Music Publishing to MP3: Music and Industry in the Twentieth Century », American Music, vol. 17, no 3, , p. 318–354 (DOI10.2307/3052666, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Jonathan Sterne, « The mp3 as cultural artifact », New Media & Society, vol. 8, no 5, , p. 825–842 (DOI10.1177/1461444806067737, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Joel Waldfogel, « Music file sharing and sales displacement in the iTunes era », Information Economics and Policy, special Issue: Digital Piracy, vol. 22, no 4, , p. 306–314 (DOI10.1016/j.infoecopol.2010.02.002, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Piet Bakker, « File-sharing—fight, ignore or compete: Paid download services vs. P2P-networks », Telematics and Informatics, copyright: rights-holders, user and innovators, vol. 22, nos 1–2, , p. 41–55 (DOI10.1016/j.tele.2004.06.004, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Martin Peitz et Patrick Waelbroeck, « Why the music industry may gain from free downloading — The role of sampling », International Journal of Industrial Organization, vol. 24, no 5, , p. 907–913 (DOI10.1016/j.ijindorg.2005.10.006, lire en ligne, consulté le )
The LAME Project lame.sourceforge.net consulté le 1er décembre 2018
Kostas Kasaras, « Music in the Age of Free Distribution: MP3 and Society », First Monday, vol. 7, no 1, (DOI10.5210/fm.v7i1.927, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Ulrich Dolta, « The Music Industry and the Internet A Decade of Disruptive and Uncontrolled Sectoral Change », University of Stuttgart, Institute of Social Sciences, (ISSN2191-4990, lire en ligne)