Ma'abarot (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Ma'abarot" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
3,051st place
182nd place
6,044th place
low place
low place
2,257th place
109th place
318th place
2nd place
3rd place
879th place
52nd place
low place
low place
1,031st place
161st place
425th place
24th place
232nd place
15th place
1,851st place
169th place
low place
4,905th place
571st place
425th place
low place
low place
low place
low place

  • Akadem, lire en ligne : [2]

  • Michèle Tauber, « L’arabe ou l’hébreu : être ou ne pas être, le parcours des Juifs mizrahim en Israël », dans Céline Masson (dir.), Génération Balagan, Hermann (ISBN 978-2-7056-9704-4, lire en ligne)

  • (he) Ma’abarot par Miriam Kachenski, Israeli Center for Educational Technology.

  • Irit Katz (2017) ‘The Common Camp’: temporary settlements as a spatio-political instrument in Israel-Palestine, The Journal of Architecture, 22:1, 54-103 (p.65), lire en ligne :,

  • Lire en ligne : [14]

  • Ari Shavit, Ma terre promise. Israël, triomphe et tragédie, J.CJ. Lattès, 2015, lire en ligne : [1]
  • Amy Horowitz, Mediterranean Israeli Music and the Politics of the Aesthetic, Wayne State University Press, 2010, p.41, lire en ligne : [3]
  • "In these neighborhoods they had the opportunity to forge a shared culture. The rise of impoverished North African and Middle Eastern urban neighborhoods and peripheral towns is important for understanding the new musical form that emerged out of this new proximity", Amy Horowitz, Mediterranean Israeli Music and the Politics of the Aesthetic, Wayne State University Press, 2010, p.40, lire en ligne : [5]
  • "Peripheral placement, housing difficulties [...] sharpened ethnic lines and distinctions between Israel's European and Mizrahi populations", Amy Horowitz, Mediterranean Israeli Music and the Politics of the Aesthetic, Wayne State University Press, 2010, p.42, lire en ligne : [6]
  • Anita Shapira, Israel: A History, lire en ligne : [7]
  • Avraham Shama,Mark Iris, Immigration Without Integration: Third World Jews in Israel, Cambridge, 1977, p.48, lire en ligne : [8]
  • Amy Horowitz, Mediterranean Israeli Music and the Politics of the Aesthetic, Wayne State University Press, 2010, p.41, lire en ligne : [9]
  • Cité dans Marius Schattner, Histoire de la Droite israélienne: de Jabotinsky à Shamir, Complexe, 1991, p.272, lire en ligne :[10]
  • Israeli Film: A Reference Guide, p.36, lire en ligne : [11]
  • Adia Mendelson Maoz, Multiculturalism in Israel: Literary Perspectives, Purdue University Press, 2014, p.80-81, lire en ligne : [12]
  • Lire en ligne : [13]

  • "Western immigrants secured housing in the cities of the coastal plain, food and jobs through personal contacts which the immigrants from Muslim lands lacked. Yiddish speakers were given preference over the easterners when it came to employment.", lire en ligne : [4]

  • "The transit camp literatur (sifrut ha-ma’abarah) portrays history as pictured from the point of view of “the other,” the history of State building and nation building seen from the perspective of the non-hegemonic group. Furthermore, it embodies the history of a glorious past lived in diaspora and ended up wrapped in a cloud of DDT, as symbolised, in Sami Michael’s novel, by the son that watches helplessly his father’s decline", Piera Rossetto, "Space of Transit, Place of Memory: Ma'abarah and Literary Landscapes of Arab Jews" ("Lieu de transit, lieu de mémoire : la ma'abara et les paysages littéraires des Juifs arabes", in Memory and Forgetting among Jews from the Arab-Muslim Countries. Contested Narratives of a Shared Past, eds. Emanuela Trevisan Semi, Piera Rossetto, Quest. Issues in Contemporary Jewish History. Journal of Fondazione CDEC, n.4 November 2012, lire en ligne : [17].

  • Rina Cohen Muller, « À la recherche du Levant perdu : des écrivains d’Israël racontent l’Égypte », Yod [En ligne], 14 | 2009, mis en ligne le 31 octobre 2011, consulté le 28 novembre 2017. URL : ; DOI : 10.4000/yod.362

  • "He and his family flee to Israel, where they spend years living in tents and shacks in sub-human conditions in transition camps. He becomes a day laborer, survives a terrible disease, becomes an adult with a different name and personality, gets a college education and a doctorate, and ends his search for home in the United States", "An Interview with Author Avraham Shama", lire en ligne : [16]

  • A.Shama écrit qu'il a 6 ans en 1948, lire en ligne : [15]