Tang HuiyaoVol. 72 txt. "奚結馬。與磧南突厥馬相類。在雞服山南。赫連枝川北住。今雞祿州。印坎" tr. "The Xijie's horses and the horses of the Tujue south of the shoal. They dwelt south of Jifu mountains, north of Helianzhi river, now [in] Jilu pronvince. Their tamga [resembles] [the character] 坎"
Benjamin, « The Yuezhi Migration and Sogdia », Transoxiana Webfestschrift, Transoxiana, vol. 1, no Ēran ud Anērān, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Jiu Tangshu Vol. 199 lower txt. "鐵勒,本匈奴別種。自突厥強盛,鐵勒諸郡分散,衆漸寡弱。至武德初,有薛延陀、契苾、回紇、都播、骨利幹、多覽葛、僕骨、拔野古、同羅、渾部、思結、斛薛、奚結、阿跌、白霫等,散在磧北。" tr. "Tiele are originally Xiongnu's splinter stock. As Tujue are strong and prosperous, all Tiele districts are divided and scattered, the masses gradually dwindled and weakened. At the beginning of Wude [era], there are Xueyantuo, Qibi, Huihe, Dubo, Guligan, Duolange, Pugu, Bayegu, Tongluo, Hun, Sijie, Huxue, Xijie, Adie, Baixi, etc. scattered north of the desert."