(en) Corey Casper, Anna Wald, John Pauk, Stephen R. Tabet, Lawrence Corey et Connie L. Celum, « Correlates of Prevalent and Incident Kaposi's Sarcoma—Associated Herpesvirus Infection in Men Who Have Sex with Men », The Journal of Infectious Diseases(en), vol. 185, no 7, , p. 990–993 (DOI10.1086/339605, lire en ligne)« The relationship of amyl nitrite use to KSHV seroincidence was further investigated by adding the significant univariate variables to the model, one at a time. The OR did not change after adding either HSV-2 infection or bacterial STIs to the model, but it declined from 7.0 (95% CI, 2.0-24.9) to 5.5 (95% CI, 1.4-20.8) after adding a reported history of bathhouse use. Thus, these variables did not mitigate the association between amyl nitrite use and KSHV seroconversion. »
(en) Bryan J. Ellison, Allen B. Downey et Peter H. Duesberg, « HIV as a surrogate marker for drug use: a re-analysis of the San Francisco Men's Health Study », Genetica, vol. 95, , p. 165–171 (PMID7744259, DOI10.1007/BF01435008)
(en) Jeffrey N. Martin, Donald E. Ganem, Dennis H. Osmond, Kimberly A. Page-Shafer, Don Macrae et Dean H. Kedes, « Sexual transmission and the natural history of human herpesvirus 8 infection », The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 338, , p. 948-954 (DOI10.1056/NEJM199804023381403, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Carlo Parravicini, Sonja J. Olsen, Maria Capra, Francesca Poli, Girolamo Sirchia, Shou-Jiang Gao, Emilio Berti, Arcangelo Nocera, Edardo Rossi, Giovannina Bestetti, Massimo Pizzuto, Massimo Galli, Mauro Moroni, Patrick S. Moore et Mario Corbellino, « Risk of Kaposi's sarcoma : associated herpes virus transmission from donor allografts among Italian posttransplant Kaposi's sarcoma patients », Blood, vol. 90, no 7, (DOI10.1182/blood.V90.7.2826, lire en ligne)
(en) M Dedicoat et R Newton, « Review of the distribution of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) in Africa in relation to the incidence of Kaposi’s sarcoma », British Journal of Cancer(en), vol. 88, , p. 1-3 (DOI10.1038/sj.bjc.6600745)
(en) Carlo Parravicini, Sonja J. Olsen, Maria Capra, Francesca Poli, Girolamo Sirchia, Shou-Jiang Gao, Emilio Berti, Arcangelo Nocera, Edardo Rossi, Giovannina Bestetti, Massimo Pizzuto, Massimo Galli, Mauro Moroni, Patrick S. Moore et Mario Corbellino, « Risk of Kaposi's sarcoma : associated herpes virus transmission from donor allografts among Italian posttransplant Kaposi's sarcoma patients », Blood, vol. 90, no 7, (DOI10.1182/blood.V90.7.2826, lire en ligne)
(en) Jeffrey N. Martin, Donald E. Ganem, Dennis H. Osmond, Kimberly A. Page-Shafer, Don Macrae et Dean H. Kedes, « Sexual transmission and the natural history of human herpesvirus 8 infection », The New England Journal of Medicine, vol. 338, , p. 948-954 (DOI10.1056/NEJM199804023381403, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Bryan J. Ellison, Allen B. Downey et Peter H. Duesberg, « HIV as a surrogate marker for drug use: a re-analysis of the San Francisco Men's Health Study », Genetica, vol. 95, , p. 165–171 (PMID7744259, DOI10.1007/BF01435008)
(en) Corey Casper, Anna Wald, John Pauk, Stephen R. Tabet, Lawrence Corey et Connie L. Celum, « Correlates of Prevalent and Incident Kaposi's Sarcoma—Associated Herpesvirus Infection in Men Who Have Sex with Men », The Journal of Infectious Diseases(en), vol. 185, no 7, , p. 990–993 (DOI10.1086/339605, lire en ligne)« The relationship of amyl nitrite use to KSHV seroincidence was further investigated by adding the significant univariate variables to the model, one at a time. The OR did not change after adding either HSV-2 infection or bacterial STIs to the model, but it declined from 7.0 (95% CI, 2.0-24.9) to 5.5 (95% CI, 1.4-20.8) after adding a reported history of bathhouse use. Thus, these variables did not mitigate the association between amyl nitrite use and KSHV seroconversion. »
(en) Corey Casper, Anna Wald, John Pauk, Stephen R. Tabet, Lawrence Corey et Connie L. Celum, « Correlates of Prevalent and Incident Kaposi's Sarcoma—Associated Herpesvirus Infection in Men Who Have Sex with Men », The Journal of Infectious Diseases(en), vol. 185, no 7, , p. 990–993 (DOI10.1086/339605, lire en ligne)« The relationship of amyl nitrite use to KSHV seroincidence was further investigated by adding the significant univariate variables to the model, one at a time. The OR did not change after adding either HSV-2 infection or bacterial STIs to the model, but it declined from 7.0 (95% CI, 2.0-24.9) to 5.5 (95% CI, 1.4-20.8) after adding a reported history of bathhouse use. Thus, these variables did not mitigate the association between amyl nitrite use and KSHV seroconversion. »
(en) M Dedicoat et R Newton, « Review of the distribution of Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated herpesvirus (KSHV) in Africa in relation to the incidence of Kaposi’s sarcoma », British Journal of Cancer(en), vol. 88, , p. 1-3 (DOI10.1038/sj.bjc.6600745)