(en) Cannon, Andrew R. et al., « Trends in the use of private gardens by wild birds in Great Britain 1995–2002 », The Journal of applied ecology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, vol. 42, no 4, , p. 659-671 (ISSN1365-2664, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2664.2005.01050.x)
(en) Orams, Mark B., « Feeding wildlife as a tourism attraction: a review of issues and impacts », Tourism Management, Elsevier Science, vol. 23, no 3, , p. 281–293 (ISSN0261-5177)
(en) Chace, Jameson F., John J. Walsh, « Urban effects on native avifauna: a review », Landscape and Urban Planning, Elsevier, vol. 74, no 1, , p. 46–69 (ISSN0169-2046)
(en) Jones, Darryl N., S. James Reynolds, « Feeding birds in our towns and cities: a global research opportunity », Journal of avian biology, Munksgaard, vol. 39, no 3, , p. 265-271 (ISSN0908-8857)
(en) Cannon, Andrew R. et al., « Trends in the use of private gardens by wild birds in Great Britain 1995–2002 », The Journal of applied ecology, Blackwell Scientific Publications, vol. 42, no 4, , p. 659-671 (ISSN1365-2664, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2664.2005.01050.x)
(en) Boutin, Stan, « Food supplementation experiments with terrestrial vertebrates: patterns, problems,and the future », Canadian Journal of Zoology, Les Presses scientifiques du CNRC, vol. 68, no 2, , p. 203-220. (ISSN1480-3283)
(en) Christians, Julian K., « Avian egg size : variation within species and in exibility within individuals », Biological reviews of the Cambridge Philosophical Society, Cambridge University Press, vol. 77, no 1, , p. 1-26 (ISSN1469-185X)
(en) Schoech, Stephan J. et al., « Food supplementation: A tool to increase reproductive output? A case study in the threatened Florida Scrub-Jay », Biological conservation, Elsevier Science, vol. 141, no 1, , p. 162–173 (ISSN1873-2917)
(en) Schoech, Stephan J., Thomas P. Hahn, « Food supplementation and timing of reproduction: does the responsiveness to supplementary information vary with latitude? », Journal of ornithology, Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag, vol. 148, no Suppl. 2, , S625–S632 (ISSN1439-0361)
(en) Parsons, Holly, Richard E. Major, Kris French, « Species interactions and habitat associations of birds inhabiting urban areas of Sydney, Australia », Austral Ecology, vol. 31, no 2, , p. 217-227 (ISSN1442-9993)
(en) Bradley, Catherine A., Sonia Altizer, « Urbanization and the ecology of wildlife diseases », Trends in Ecology and Evolution, Elsevier Science, vol. 22, no 2, , p. 95-122 (ISSN1872-8383)
(en) Margaret Clark Brittingham et Stanley A. Temple, « Avian disease and Winter Bird Feeding », Passenger Pigeon, Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, vol. 50, no 3, , p. 195-203 (ISSN0031-2703, lire en ligne)
Cette activité a également lieu au printemps mais est déconseillée, beaucoup de jeunes oiseaux devenant insectivores au cours du cette saison et un nourrissage prolongé pouvant perturber leurs habitudes alimentaires. Cf « Nourrissage des oiseaux, quand et pourquoi arrêter ? », sur lpo.fr,
(en) Margaret Clark Brittingham et Stanley A. Temple, « Avian disease and Winter Bird Feeding », Passenger Pigeon, Wisconsin Society for Ornithology, vol. 50, no 3, , p. 195-203 (ISSN0031-2703, lire en ligne)
(en) Kellert, Stephen R., Kinship to mastery : biophilia in human evolution and development, Washington, D.C., Island Press, , 256 p. (ISBN1-55963-372-7, OCLC36130632)
(en) Peterson, Roger Tory, Noble S Proctor, Virginia Marie Peterson, Feeder birds of Eastern North America, Boston, Mass., Houghton Mifflin, , 112 p. (ISBN0-618-05944-X, OCLC45338483)
(en) Dunn, Erica H. et al., Birds at your feeder : a guide to feeding habits, behavior, distribution, and abundance, New York, Norton, , 418 p. (ISBN0-393-04737-7, OCLC40574027)
(en) Kress, Stephen W., Bird gardens : welcoming wild birds to your yard, Brooklyn, NY, Brooklyn Botanic Garden, , 112 p. (ISBN1-889538-08-6, OCLC39844736)