Kimelman, Abraham, Haaparanta et Palisi, « The presence of fibroblast growth factor in the frog egg: Its role as a natural mesoderm inducer », Science, vol. 242, no 4881, , p. 1053–6 (PMID3194757, DOI10.1126/science.3194757, Bibcode1988Sci...242.1053K)
King, Peters, Tugendreich et Rolfe, « A 20S complex containing CDC27 and CDC16 catalyzes the mitosis-specific conjugation of ubiquitin to cyclin B », Cell, vol. 81, no 2, , p. 279–88 (PMID7736580, DOI10.1016/0092-8674(95)90338-0, S2CID16958690)
Kimelman, Abraham, Haaparanta et Palisi, « The presence of fibroblast growth factor in the frog egg: Its role as a natural mesoderm inducer », Science, vol. 242, no 4881, , p. 1053–6 (PMID3194757, DOI10.1126/science.3194757, Bibcode1988Sci...242.1053K)
Kimelman, Abraham, Haaparanta et Palisi, « The presence of fibroblast growth factor in the frog egg: Its role as a natural mesoderm inducer », Science, vol. 242, no 4881, , p. 1053–6 (PMID3194757, DOI10.1126/science.3194757, Bibcode1988Sci...242.1053K)
King, Peters, Tugendreich et Rolfe, « A 20S complex containing CDC27 and CDC16 catalyzes the mitosis-specific conjugation of ubiquitin to cyclin B », Cell, vol. 81, no 2, , p. 279–88 (PMID7736580, DOI10.1016/0092-8674(95)90338-0, S2CID16958690)
King, Peters, Tugendreich et Rolfe, « A 20S complex containing CDC27 and CDC16 catalyzes the mitosis-specific conjugation of ubiquitin to cyclin B », Cell, vol. 81, no 2, , p. 279–88 (PMID7736580, DOI10.1016/0092-8674(95)90338-0, S2CID16958690)