Massacre de Qibya (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Massacre de Qibya" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
3rd place
11th place
2,707th place
2,124th place
low place
low place
1,151st place
1,345th place
1,008th place
1,089th place
28th place
122nd place
low place
low place

  • Peter L.Hahn, Caught in the Middle-East - US policy towards the arab-israeli conflict 1945-1961, p. 161, University of North Carolina Press, 2004 consultable sur google.books
  • Neil Kaplan, Futile Diplomacy, p. 222, accessible via googlebooks.
  • Avi Plascov, The Palestinian Refugees in Jordan 1948-1957, 1981, p. 100 accessible via googlebooks.
  • (en) Noam Chomsky, The Fateful Triangle : the United States, Israël and the Palestinians, 1988, p. 383-385. accessible via googlebooks ou (fr) Noam Chomsky, Israël, Palestine, États-Unis, le triangle fatidique, 2006, p. 449-450.

  • On peut trouver une version légèrement différente [1] : Ben Gurion’s version of operation Kibya, broadcasted on Israeli Radio on 19 October 1953, as recorded by Davar, 20 October 1953. «… The [Jewish] border settlers in Israel, mostly refugees, people from Arab countries and survivors from the Nazi concentration camps, have, for years, been the target of… murderous attacks and had shown a great restraint. Rightfully, they have demanded that their government protect their lives and the Israeli government gave them weapons and trained them to protect themselves. But the armed forces from Transjordan did not stop their criminal acts, until [the people in] some of the border settlements lost their patience and after the murder of a mother and her two children in Yahud, they attacked, last week, the village of Kibya across the border, that was one of the main centers of the murderers’ gangs. Every one of us regrets and suffers when blood is shed anywhere and nobody regrets more than the Israeli government the fact that innocent people were killed in the retaliation act in Kibya. But all the responsibility rests with the government of Transjordan that for many years tolerated and thus encouraged attacks of murder and robbery by armed powers in its country against the citizens of Israel. The government of Israel strongly rejects the ridiculous and fantastic version, as if 600 soldiers participated [in the action] against Kibya. We had conducted a thorough check and found out that not even the smallest army unit was missing from its base on the night of the attack on Kibya »