Middlesex Canal (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Middlesex Canal" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
3,488th place
4,419th place
3rd place
11th place
1st place
1st place
low place
low place



  • (en) James E. Held, « The Canal Age », Archaeology (online), Archaeological Institute of America, no July 1, 1998,‎ (lire en ligne, consulté le ) :

    « Little is known of the vessels and waterways that fueled the Canal Age in the United States, from 1790 to 1855, since few records were kept and fewer of the much-used boats survived. »


  • (en) "An Act incorporating James Sullivan, Esq. and others, by the Name and Style of The Proprietors of the Middlesex Canal", June 22, 1793, p. 465ff, in Private and Special Statutes of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts from the year 1780 etc. , 1, 1805.

