Wolpert L, « Positional information and the spatial pattern of cellular differentiation », J. Theor. Biol., vol. 25, no 1, , p. 1–47 (PMID4390734, DOI10.1016/S0022-5193(69)80016-0)
Neil Vargesson, « Positional Information-A concept underpinning our understanding of developmental biology », Developmental Dynamics: An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists, vol. 249, no 3, , p. 298–312 (ISSN1097-0177, PMID31566855, DOI10.1002/dvdy.116, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Hyung Chul Lee, Cato Hastings, Nidia M. M. Oliveira et Rubén Pérez-Carrasco, « ‘Neighbourhood watch’ model: embryonic epiblast cells assess positional information in relation to their neighbours », Development (Cambridge, England), vol. 149, no 10, , dev200295 (ISSN0950-1991, PMID35438131, PMCID9188750, DOI10.1242/dev.200295, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Emmanuelle Grall et Patrick Tschopp, « A sense of place, many times over ‐ pattern formation and evolution of repetitive morphological structures », Developmental Dynamics, vol. 249, no 3, , p. 313–327 (ISSN1058-8388 et 1097-0177, DOI10.1002/dvdy.131, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Neil Vargesson, « Positional Information-A concept underpinning our understanding of developmental biology », Developmental Dynamics: An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists, vol. 249, no 3, , p. 298–312 (ISSN1097-0177, PMID31566855, DOI10.1002/dvdy.116, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Hyung Chul Lee, Cato Hastings, Nidia M. M. Oliveira et Rubén Pérez-Carrasco, « ‘Neighbourhood watch’ model: embryonic epiblast cells assess positional information in relation to their neighbours », Development (Cambridge, England), vol. 149, no 10, , dev200295 (ISSN0950-1991, PMID35438131, PMCID9188750, DOI10.1242/dev.200295, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Emmanuelle Grall et Patrick Tschopp, « A sense of place, many times over ‐ pattern formation and evolution of repetitive morphological structures », Developmental Dynamics, vol. 249, no 3, , p. 313–327 (ISSN1058-8388 et 1097-0177, DOI10.1002/dvdy.131, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Wolpert L, « Positional information and the spatial pattern of cellular differentiation », J. Theor. Biol., vol. 25, no 1, , p. 1–47 (PMID4390734, DOI10.1016/S0022-5193(69)80016-0)
Neil Vargesson, « Positional Information-A concept underpinning our understanding of developmental biology », Developmental Dynamics: An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists, vol. 249, no 3, , p. 298–312 (ISSN1097-0177, PMID31566855, DOI10.1002/dvdy.116, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Hyung Chul Lee, Cato Hastings, Nidia M. M. Oliveira et Rubén Pérez-Carrasco, « ‘Neighbourhood watch’ model: embryonic epiblast cells assess positional information in relation to their neighbours », Development (Cambridge, England), vol. 149, no 10, , dev200295 (ISSN0950-1991, PMID35438131, PMCID9188750, DOI10.1242/dev.200295, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Knabe J.F, et al.« Evolution and Morphogenesis of Differentiated Multicellular Organisms: Autonomously Generated Diffusion Gradients for Positional Information » () (lire en ligne) —Artificial Life XI: Proceedings of the Eleventh International Conference on the Simulation and Synthesis of Living Systems
Neil Vargesson, « Positional Information-A concept underpinning our understanding of developmental biology », Developmental Dynamics: An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists, vol. 249, no 3, , p. 298–312 (ISSN1097-0177, PMID31566855, DOI10.1002/dvdy.116, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Emmanuelle Grall et Patrick Tschopp, « A sense of place, many times over ‐ pattern formation and evolution of repetitive morphological structures », Developmental Dynamics, vol. 249, no 3, , p. 313–327 (ISSN1058-8388 et 1097-0177, DOI10.1002/dvdy.131, lire en ligne, consulté le )