Morlaquie (French Wikipedia)

Analysis of information sources in references of the Wikipedia article "Morlaquie" in French language version.

Global rank French rank
120th place
178th place
2nd place
3rd place
5,720th place
8,558th place
low place
1,853rd place
1,384th place
89th place
1st place
1st place
11th place
325th place
57th place
4th place

  • Wojciech Sajkowski, (en) « Morlachs, or Slavs from Dalmatia in French encyclopedias and dictionaries of the 18th and 19th » in Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne n°15, 2018, pp. 207–218 - [1]

  • Wojciech Sajkowski, (en) « Morlachs, or Slavs from Dalmatia in French encyclopedias and dictionaries of the 18th and 19th century », in Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne n° 15, pp. 207–218, DOI 10.14746/bp.2015.22.5, (ISSN 2084-3011), 2018.
  • Dana Caciur, (en) « Considerations regarding the Morlachs migrations from Dalmatia to Istria and the Venetian settlement policy during the 16th century » in Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne n° 22 (1), pp. 57–70. DOI 10.14746/bp.2015.22.5, 2015, [5]

  • Wojciech Sajkowski, (en) « Morlachs, or Slavs from Dalmatia in French encyclopedias and dictionaries of the 18th and 19th century », in Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne n° 15, pp. 207–218, DOI 10.14746/bp.2015.22.5, (ISSN 2084-3011), 2018.

  • Borna Fürst-Bjeliš, (en) « Territorialisation and de-territorialisation of the borderlands communities in the multicultural environment: Morlachia and Little Wallachia » in Acta geographica Bosniae et Herzegovinae 2014, vol. 1, ed. 2, pp. 45–54 - [2] & [3].
  • Dana Caciur, (en) « Considerations regarding the Morlachs migrations from Dalmatia to Istria and the Venetian settlement policy during the 16th century » in Poznańskie Studia Slawistyczne n° 22 (1), pp. 57–70. DOI 10.14746/bp.2015.22.5, 2015, [5]

  • Miroslav Ružica, (en) « The Balkan Vlachs/Aromanians awakening, national policies, assimilation » in Proceedings of the Globalization, Nationalism and Ethnic Conflicts in the Balkans and Its Regional Context n° 28–30, S2CID 52448884, 2006, [4].

  • Edina Bozoky, « Patarins », sur

  • (it) Giuseppe Vassilić, « Sui rumeni dell’Istria : riassunto storico-bibliografico » [« Sur les Roumains d’Istrie : résumé historico-bibliographique »], Archeografo triestino, Trieste, vol. 23,‎ , p. 158-237 (lire en ligne, consulté le ).