[Playfair 1819 (1)] (en) James Playfair, A Geographical and Statistical Description of Scotland, vol. 1, Edinburgh, , sur books.google.fr (lire en ligne), p. 485.
[Playfair 1819 (2)] (en) James Playfair, A Geographical and Statistical Description of Scotland, vol. 2, Edinburgh, , sur books.google.fr (lire en ligne), p. 5.
[Paton 1927] (en) Victor A. Noel Paton, « Notes on a vitrified wort at « an-cnap », Sannox, Arran, and vitrified stones at mid Sannox, Arran, and at Pennymore, Furnace, Loch Fyne », Proceedings of the Society of Antiquaries of Scotland, vol. 2, 6e série, no 62, , p. 239-245 (lire en ligne [sur journals.socantscot.org]).