Lazzaro, J.;Wawrzynek, J., A case for network musical performance, In NOSSDAV '01: Proceedings of the 11th international workshop on Network and operating systems support for digital audio and video, 2001, p. 157-166, ACM Press New York, NY, USA.
Sawchuk, A.;Chew, E.; Zimmermann, R.;Papadopoulos,C.; Kyriakakis,C., From remote media immersion to Distributed Immersive Performance, In ETP '03: Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMM workshop on Experiential telepresence, p. 110-120, ACM Press New York, NY, USA.
Kurtisi, Z; Gu, X.; Wolf, L., Enabling network-centric music performance in wide-area networks, Communications of the ACM, 2006, vol. 49, no 11, p. 52-54.
Sophie Gosselin, Apo33, Sound mutations: from radio diffusion to radio communication, , publié dans “Radio Territories”, édité par Errant Bodies.
« Sonification is the use of non-speech audio to convey information data to sound ». (G. Kramer, B. Walker, T. Bonebright, P. Cook, J. Flowers, N. Miner, and J. Neuhoff, “Sonification report: Status of the field and research agenda,” Tech. Rep., International Community for Auditory Display, 1999,; et aussi, Barrass, S. et Kramer, G. (1999), Using sonification. In Multimedia Systems, Vol. 7, No 1, 1999, p. 23-31.
C'est la mission actuelle du « NMSAT — Networked Music & SoundArt Timeline » développé et édité par Jérôme Joy et Locus Sonus,
Tanaka, Atau, Tokui, Nao & Momeni, Ali. 2005. Facilitating Collective Musical Creativity. In Proceedings of MM’05, Singapore, 2005 November 6-11; Föllmer, Golo. 2001. Soft Music. In Crossfade – Sound Travels on the Web, San Francisco Museum of Modern Art.
« It was more difficult than imagined to debug all of the software problems on each of the different machines with different operating systems and CPU speeds in different cities », Bischoff, J.; Brown, C.,