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(en) Simon G. A. Brown, Michael Wiese, Pauline Van Eeden, Shelley Stone, Christine Chuter, Jareth Gunner, Troy Wanandy et Michael Phillips, Ultrarush versus semirush initiation of insect venom immunotherapy : A randomized controlled trial, vol. 130 (1), Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, , 162–168 p. (lire en ligne)
(en) Simon G. A. Brown, Pauline van Eeden, Michael Wiese, Raymond Sullins et Graham Solley, Causes of ant sting anaphylaxis in Australia : the Australian Ant Venom Allergy Study., Western Australian Institute for Medical Research, Université d'Australie-Occidentale, Perth, Medical Journal of Australia, , 69–73 p. (lire en ligne)
(en) Simon G. A. Brown, Qi-Xuan Wu, G. Robert H. Kelsall, Robert J. Heddle et Brian A. Baldo, « Fatal anaphylaxis following jack jumper ant sting in southern Tasmania », Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 175, (PMID11837875, lire en ligne)
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(en) Simon G. A. Brown, Qi-Xuan Wu, G. Robert H. Kelsall, Robert J. Heddle et Brian A. Baldo, « Fatal anaphylaxis following jack jumper ant sting in southern Tasmania », Medical Journal of Australia, vol. 175, (PMID11837875, lire en ligne)
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(en) Z. Q. Qian, B. C. Shlick-Steiner, F. M. Steiner, S. K. A. Robson, H. Schlüns, E. A. Schlüns et Ross H. Crozier, Colony genetic structure in the Australian jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula, International Union for the Study of Social Insects, (lire en ligne)
(en) Simon G. A. Brown et Robert J. Heddle, Prevention of anaphylaxis with ant venom immunotherapy, Fremantle, Department of Emergency Medicine, Fremantle Hospital, (lire en ligne)
(en) Eisuke Hasegawa et Ross H. Crozier, Phylogenetic relationships among species groups of the ant genus Myrmecia, vol. 38 (3), coll. « Molecular Phylogenetics and Evolution » (lire en ligne), p. 575–582
(en) Simon G. A. Brown, Clinical features and severity grading of anaphylaxis, Hobart, Tasmanie, Department of Emergency Medicine, Royal Hobart Hospital Australia, , 371–376 p. (lire en ligne)
(en) Michael Wiese, Tim Chataway, Noel Davies, Robert Milne, Simon G. A. Brown, Wei-Ping Gai et Robert Heddle, « Proteomic analysis of Myrmecia pilosula (jack jumper) ant venom », Toxicon, , p. 208–217 (lire en ligne)
(en) Qi-xuan Wu, M. A. King, G. R. Donovan, D. Alewood, P. Alewood, W. H. Sawyer et B. A. Baldo, Cytotoxicity of pilosulin 1, a peptide from the venom of the jumper ant Myrmecia pilosula, Biochim Biophys Acta, , 78-80 p. (lire en ligne)
(en) Hirotami T. Imai, Ross H. Crozier et Robert W. Taylor, Karyotype evolution in Australian ants, vol. 59, Berlin, Chromosoma, (lire en ligne), p. 341-393
(en) Chris P. Spencer et Karen Richards, Observations on the diet and feeding habits of the short-beaked Echidna (Tachyglossus Aculeatus) in Tasmania, Collinsvale, The Tasmanian Naturalist, (lire en ligne), p. 39
(en) Israel Del Toro, Relena R. Ribbons et Shannon L. Pelini, The little things that run the world revisited : a review of anti-mediated ecosystem services and disservices (Hymenoptera : Formicidae), Myrmecological News, Université du Massachusetts à Amherst, (lire en ligne), p. 140
(en) M. J. Evans, The Preferred Habitat of the Jack Jumper Ant (Myrmecia pilosula) : a Study in Hobart, Tasmania, Hobart, Tasmanie, Masters Coursework, (lire en ligne)
(en) Noel Davies, Michael Wiese et Simon G. A. Brown, Characterisation of Major Peptides in 'Jack Jumper' Ant Venom by Mass Spectrometry, Hobart, Tasmanie, Central Science Laboratory, Department of Pharmacy & Department of Emergency Medicine - Université de Tasmanie & Royal Hobart Hospital, (lire en ligne)
(en) M. W. J. Crosland, Ross H. Crozier et Hirotami T. Imai, Evidence for several sibling biological species centred on Myrmecia pilosula (F. Smith) (Hymenoptera : Formicidae), vol. 27, Kensington, Nouvelle-Galles du Sud, École de zoologie, Université de Nouvelle-Galles du Sud & Institut japonais de génétique, Mishima, , 2 p. (lire en ligne), p. 13