W M Young et E W Elcock, « Monte Carlo studies of vacancy migration in binary ordered alloys: I », IOP Publishing, vol. 89, no 3, , p. 735–746 (ISSN0370-1328, DOI10.1088/0370-1328/89/3/329)
A.B. Bortz, M.H. Kalos et J.L. Lebowitz, « A new algorithm for Monte Carlo simulation of Ising spin systems », Elsevier BV, vol. 17, no 1, , p. 10–18 (ISSN0021-9991, DOI10.1016/0021-9991(75)90060-1)
Daniel T Gillespie, « A general method for numerically simulating the stochastic time evolution of coupled chemical reactions », Elsevier BV, vol. 22, no 4, , p. 403–434 (ISSN0021-9991, DOI10.1016/0021-9991(76)90041-3)
Giacomo Di Gesù, Tony Lelièvre, Dorian Le Peutrec et Boris Nectoux, « Jump Markov models and transition state theory: the Quasi-Stationary Distribution approach », Faraday Discussion, vol. 195, , p. 469-495 (ISSN1364-5498, DOI10.1039/C6FD00120C)
W M Young et E W Elcock, « Monte Carlo studies of vacancy migration in binary ordered alloys: I », IOP Publishing, vol. 89, no 3, , p. 735–746 (ISSN0370-1328, DOI10.1088/0370-1328/89/3/329)
A.B. Bortz, M.H. Kalos et J.L. Lebowitz, « A new algorithm for Monte Carlo simulation of Ising spin systems », Elsevier BV, vol. 17, no 1, , p. 10–18 (ISSN0021-9991, DOI10.1016/0021-9991(75)90060-1)
Daniel T Gillespie, « A general method for numerically simulating the stochastic time evolution of coupled chemical reactions », Elsevier BV, vol. 22, no 4, , p. 403–434 (ISSN0021-9991, DOI10.1016/0021-9991(76)90041-3)
Giacomo Di Gesù, Tony Lelièvre, Dorian Le Peutrec et Boris Nectoux, « Jump Markov models and transition state theory: the Quasi-Stationary Distribution approach », Faraday Discussion, vol. 195, , p. 469-495 (ISSN1364-5498, DOI10.1039/C6FD00120C)