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(en) Mary H. Ward, Briseis A. Kilfoy et al., « Nitrate Intake and the Risk of Thyroid Cancer and Thyroid Disease », Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), vol. 21, no 3, , p. 389 (PMID20335813, DOI10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181d6201d, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Polly A Newcomb, « Nitrogen-nitrate exposure from drinking water and colorectal cancer risk for rural women in Wisconsin, USA - PubMed », Journal of water and health, vol. 6, no 3, , p. 399–409 (ISSN1477-8920, PMID19108561, DOI10.2166/wh.2008.048, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Effects of vitamins C and E on N-nitroso compound formation, carcinogenesis, and cancer, Cancer, 58 (8 Suppl.) : 1842–50, octobre 1986, DOI10.1002/1097-0142 (19861015) PMID3756808.
(en) Bo Youl Choi, « Dietary factors and gastric cancer in Korea: a case-control study - PubMed », International journal of cancer, vol. 97, no 4, , p. 531–535 (ISSN0020-7136, PMID11802218, DOI10.1002/ijc.10111, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) M H Ward, « Dietary intake of nitrate and nitrite and risk of renal cell carcinoma in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study - PubMed », British journal of cancer, vol. 108, no 1, , p. 205–212 (ISSN1532-1827, PMID23169285, DOI10.1038/bjc.2012.522, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Chun-Yuh Yang, « Nitrates in drinking water and the risk of death from rectal cancer: does hardness in drinking water matter? - PubMed », Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A, vol. 73, no 19, , p. 1337–1347 (ISSN1528-7394, PMID20711935, DOI10.1080/15287394.2010.490178, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(de) Raik Schönebeck, « [No influence of urinary nitrate excretion on the goitre prevalence in Germany] - PubMed », Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany : 1983), vol. 98, no 10, , p. 547–551 (ISSN0723-5003, PMID14586508, DOI10.1007/s00063-003-1303-8, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Mariana D Argirova, « Iodine status of children living in areas with high nitrate levels in water - PubMed », Archives of environmental & occupational health, vol. 60, no 6, , p. 317–319 (ISSN1933-8244, PMID17447577, DOI10.3200/AEOH.60.6.317-320, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Axel Kramer, « Evaluation of nitrate influence on thyroid volume of adults in a previously iodine-deficient area - PubMed », International journal of hygiene and environmental health, vol. 211, nos 1-2, , p. 186–191 (ISSN1438-4639, PMID17395536, DOI10.1016/j.ijheh.2007.02.005, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
James Kelly, Jonathan Fulford, Anni Vanhatalo, Jamie R. Blackwell, Olivia French, Stephen J. Bailey, Mark Gilchrist, Paul G. Winyard et Andrew M. Jones (2013), Effects of short-term dietary nitrate supplementation on blood pressure, O2 uptake kinetics, and muscle and cognitive function in older adults ; American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 15 janvier 2013, vol. 304, n° R73-R83, DOI10.1152/ajpregu.00406.2012 (résumé)
(en) Tennille D. Presley et coll., « Acute effect of a high nitrate diet on brain perfusion in older adults (étude faite par le Département de Physique de la Wake Forest University) », Nitric Oxide, (DOI10.1016/j.niox.2010.10.002, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Satnam Lidder et Andrew J. Webb (2013), Vascular effects of dietary nitrate (as found in green leafy vegetables and beetroot) via the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway ; British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Special Issue: Nutraceuticals Themed Section, vol. 75, n° 3, p. 677–696, mars 2013, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2125.2012.04420.x (résumé, et réponses des auteurs à des commentaires faits sur l'article)
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(en) M. Aldener, S. S. Brownet al., « Reactivity and loss mechanisms of NO3 and N2O5 in a polluted marine environment: Results from in situ measurements during New England Air Quality Study 2002 », J. Geophys. Res.-Atmos., vol. 111, no D23, , D23S73 (ISSN2169-8996, DOI10.1029/2006JD007252).
(en) Polly A Newcomb, « Nitrogen-nitrate exposure from drinking water and colorectal cancer risk for rural women in Wisconsin, USA - PubMed », Journal of water and health, vol. 6, no 3, , p. 399–409 (ISSN1477-8920, PMID19108561, DOI10.2166/wh.2008.048, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Bo Youl Choi, « Dietary factors and gastric cancer in Korea: a case-control study - PubMed », International journal of cancer, vol. 97, no 4, , p. 531–535 (ISSN0020-7136, PMID11802218, DOI10.1002/ijc.10111, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) M H Ward, « Dietary intake of nitrate and nitrite and risk of renal cell carcinoma in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study - PubMed », British journal of cancer, vol. 108, no 1, , p. 205–212 (ISSN1532-1827, PMID23169285, DOI10.1038/bjc.2012.522, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Chun-Yuh Yang, « Nitrates in drinking water and the risk of death from rectal cancer: does hardness in drinking water matter? - PubMed », Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A, vol. 73, no 19, , p. 1337–1347 (ISSN1528-7394, PMID20711935, DOI10.1080/15287394.2010.490178, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(de) Raik Schönebeck, « [No influence of urinary nitrate excretion on the goitre prevalence in Germany] - PubMed », Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany : 1983), vol. 98, no 10, , p. 547–551 (ISSN0723-5003, PMID14586508, DOI10.1007/s00063-003-1303-8, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Mariana D Argirova, « Iodine status of children living in areas with high nitrate levels in water - PubMed », Archives of environmental & occupational health, vol. 60, no 6, , p. 317–319 (ISSN1933-8244, PMID17447577, DOI10.3200/AEOH.60.6.317-320, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Axel Kramer, « Evaluation of nitrate influence on thyroid volume of adults in a previously iodine-deficient area - PubMed », International journal of hygiene and environmental health, vol. 211, nos 1-2, , p. 186–191 (ISSN1438-4639, PMID17395536, DOI10.1016/j.ijheh.2007.02.005, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
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(en) Mary H. Ward, Briseis A. Kilfoy et al., « Nitrate Intake and the Risk of Thyroid Cancer and Thyroid Disease », Epidemiology (Cambridge, Mass.), vol. 21, no 3, , p. 389 (PMID20335813, DOI10.1097/EDE.0b013e3181d6201d, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Polly A Newcomb, « Nitrogen-nitrate exposure from drinking water and colorectal cancer risk for rural women in Wisconsin, USA - PubMed », Journal of water and health, vol. 6, no 3, , p. 399–409 (ISSN1477-8920, PMID19108561, DOI10.2166/wh.2008.048, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
Effects of vitamins C and E on N-nitroso compound formation, carcinogenesis, and cancer, Cancer, 58 (8 Suppl.) : 1842–50, octobre 1986, DOI10.1002/1097-0142 (19861015) PMID3756808.
(en) Bo Youl Choi, « Dietary factors and gastric cancer in Korea: a case-control study - PubMed », International journal of cancer, vol. 97, no 4, , p. 531–535 (ISSN0020-7136, PMID11802218, DOI10.1002/ijc.10111, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) M H Ward, « Dietary intake of nitrate and nitrite and risk of renal cell carcinoma in the NIH-AARP Diet and Health Study - PubMed », British journal of cancer, vol. 108, no 1, , p. 205–212 (ISSN1532-1827, PMID23169285, DOI10.1038/bjc.2012.522, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Chun-Yuh Yang, « Nitrates in drinking water and the risk of death from rectal cancer: does hardness in drinking water matter? - PubMed », Journal of toxicology and environmental health. Part A, vol. 73, no 19, , p. 1337–1347 (ISSN1528-7394, PMID20711935, DOI10.1080/15287394.2010.490178, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(de) Raik Schönebeck, « [No influence of urinary nitrate excretion on the goitre prevalence in Germany] - PubMed », Medizinische Klinik (Munich, Germany : 1983), vol. 98, no 10, , p. 547–551 (ISSN0723-5003, PMID14586508, DOI10.1007/s00063-003-1303-8, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Mariana D Argirova, « Iodine status of children living in areas with high nitrate levels in water - PubMed », Archives of environmental & occupational health, vol. 60, no 6, , p. 317–319 (ISSN1933-8244, PMID17447577, DOI10.3200/AEOH.60.6.317-320, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Axel Kramer, « Evaluation of nitrate influence on thyroid volume of adults in a previously iodine-deficient area - PubMed », International journal of hygiene and environmental health, vol. 211, nos 1-2, , p. 186–191 (ISSN1438-4639, PMID17395536, DOI10.1016/j.ijheh.2007.02.005, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
(en) Tennille D. Presley et coll., « Acute effect of a high nitrate diet on brain perfusion in older adults (étude faite par le Département de Physique de la Wake Forest University) », Nitric Oxide, (DOI10.1016/j.niox.2010.10.002, lire en ligne, consulté le ).
James Kelly, Jonathan Fulford, Anni Vanhatalo, Jamie R. Blackwell, Olivia French, Stephen J. Bailey, Mark Gilchrist, Paul G. Winyard et Andrew M. Jones (2013), Effects of short-term dietary nitrate supplementation on blood pressure, O2 uptake kinetics, and muscle and cognitive function in older adults ; American Journal of Physiology, Regulatory, Integrative and Comparative Physiology, 15 janvier 2013, vol. 304, n° R73-R83, DOI10.1152/ajpregu.00406.2012 (résumé)
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Satnam Lidder et Andrew J. Webb (2013), Vascular effects of dietary nitrate (as found in green leafy vegetables and beetroot) via the nitrate-nitrite-nitric oxide pathway ; British Journal of Clinical Pharmacology Special Issue: Nutraceuticals Themed Section, vol. 75, n° 3, p. 677–696, mars 2013, DOI10.1111/j.1365-2125.2012.04420.x (résumé, et réponses des auteurs à des commentaires faits sur l'article)