Vincent Souday, Nick J. Koning, Bruno Perez et Fabien Grelon, « Enriched Air Nitrox Breathing Reduces Venous Gas Bubbles after Simulated SCUBA Diving: A Double-Blind Cross-Over Randomized Trial », PloS One, vol. 11, , e0154761 (ISSN1932-6203, PMID27163253, PMCID4862661, DOI10.1371/journal.pone.0154761, lire en ligne, consulté le )
Vincent Souday, Nick J. Koning, Bruno Perez et Fabien Grelon, « Enriched Air Nitrox Breathing Reduces Venous Gas Bubbles after Simulated SCUBA Diving: A Double-Blind Cross-Over Randomized Trial », PloS One, vol. 11, , e0154761 (ISSN1932-6203, PMID27163253, PMCID4862661, DOI10.1371/journal.pone.0154761, lire en ligne, consulté le )
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Vincent Souday, Nick J. Koning, Bruno Perez et Fabien Grelon, « Enriched Air Nitrox Breathing Reduces Venous Gas Bubbles after Simulated SCUBA Diving: A Double-Blind Cross-Over Randomized Trial », PloS One, vol. 11, , e0154761 (ISSN1932-6203, PMID27163253, PMCID4862661, DOI10.1371/journal.pone.0154761, lire en ligne, consulté le )
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(en) Harris RJ, Doolette DJ, Wilkinson DC, Williams DJ, « Measurement of fatigue following 18 msw dry chamber dives breathing air or enriched air nitrox », Undersea Hyperb Med, vol. 30, no 4, , p. 285–91 (PMID14756231, lire en ligne, consulté le )
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(en) Richardson, D and Shreeves, K, « The PADI Enriched Air Diver course and DSAT oxygen exposure limits. », South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society journal, vol. 26, no 3, (ISSN0813-1988, OCLC16986801, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) JA Logan, « An evaluation of the equivalent air depth theory », US Naval Experimental Diving Unit Technical Report, vol. NEDU-RR-01-61, (lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Berghage TE, McCraken TM, « Equivalent air depth: fact or fiction », Undersea Biomed Res, vol. 6, no 4, , p. 379–84 (PMID538866, lire en ligne, consulté le )
(en) Richardson, D and Shreeves, K, « The PADI Enriched Air Diver course and DSAT oxygen exposure limits. », South Pacific Underwater Medicine Society journal, vol. 26, no 3, (ISSN0813-1988, OCLC16986801, lire en ligne, consulté le )