(en) Peter Webb, Exploring the Networked Worlds of Popular Music, Routledge, (lire en ligne), « Neo-Folk or Postindustrial Music », One milieu to develop out of Punk was the scene that later became known as either apocalyptic folk, postindustrial, or later neo-folk.
(de) Dunja Brill, Interdisziplinäres Kolloquium zur Geschlechterforschung: Die Beiträge [Interdisciplinary Colloquium on Gender Research: the Contributions], Peter Lang (lire en ligne), « Transgression ohne Queer – die Inszenierung martialischer Männlichkeit als 'Anti-Drag' in der Industrial- und Extreme Metal-Szene [Transgression without 'Queer' – the Staging of martial Masculinity as being 'Anti-Drag' in the Industrial and Extreme Metal Scene] », p. 133.
(de) Klaus Neumann-Braun et Axel Schmidt, Die Welt der Gothics : Spielräume düster konnotierter Transzendenz The World of the Goths : Scopes of a darkly-connoted Transcendence, VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, , 2e éd., 342 p. (ISBN978-3-531-15880-8 et 3-531-15880-5, lire en ligne), p. 280
(en) Anne Rehill, The Apocalypse is Everywhere : A Popular History of America's Favorite Nightmare, Greenwood Publishing, , 281 p. (ISBN978-0-313-35438-0 et 0-313-35438-3, lire en ligne), p. 205.