(en) data.gov.uk, « Project Info: Who is Involved with the project? », HM Government : « These include the Comprehensive Knowledge Archive Network (CKAN): CKAN héberge les données publiques disponibles depuis data.gov.uk et un nombre grandissant de catalogues à travers le monde. »
(en) Michael Holloway, « PUBLIC SECTOR INFORMATION: OFFICIALLY BETTER WHEN SHARED », Digital Rights Group, (consulté le ) : « And if you get excited by material that's free to access, reuse or re-distribute, then please come down to tomorrow's OKCon, for a day of seminars and workshops around the theme of 'Applications, Tools and Services'. »
(en) Open Society Foundations, « Public Feedback Solicited on Access to Information and Open Government Data », (consulté le ) : « Information Program grantee Access Info Europe, together with the Open Knowledge Foundation, are holding a public consultation on open government data and the right of access to information. »