(en) Ron Gluckman, World's wanna-be republics find a home with UNPO, sur le site Ron Gluckman in Cyberspace (Asiaweek Magazine [...] ran a shorter version of this story in 1998) : « The concept was conceived in the mid-1980s by three opponents of Chinese imperialism: Van Walt, longtime lawyer for the Dalai Lama, Tibetan activist Tsering Jampa and Erkin Alptekin, a leader of the Uighurs of Xinjiang Province [who] spent 25 years with Radio Free Europe. ».
(en) Although it is not in the UNPO website, World Statesmen lists it as part of the UNPO, accepted in 7 Jul 2012. This source is reliable because it lists suspended members who have been removed from the Official UNPO Members List by July 7.
Le 3 juillet 2015, les membres de l'organisation K.A.D (Kelc'h An Dael - Cercle du Parlement Breton) se sont rendus à Bruxelles pour une conférence de l'UNPO. La délégation bretonne et l'UNPO ont officiellement signé l'acte d'adhésion de l'organisation bretonne comme membre dans cette organisation. (en) « UNPO: UNPO Covenant Signed by Nine New Members at XII UNPO General Assembly in Brussels », sur unpo.org (consulté le ).
(en) Barry Sautman, “All that Glitters is Not Gold”: Tibet as a Pseudo-State, in Maryland Series in Contemporary Asian Studies, No 3-2009, téléversable sur le site cctr.ust.hk : « the Unrepresented Nations and Peoples Organization (UNPO), an agglomeration of separatists founded by the Dalai Lama’s legal advisor Michael van Walt van Praag and headed, through most of its existence, by either van Walt or Tibetan and Uygur separatist leaders ».
(en) Although it is not in the UNPO website, World Statesmen lists it as part of the UNPO, accepted in 7 Jul 2012. This source is reliable because it lists suspended members who have been removed from the Official UNPO Members List by July 7.