(en) The American Heritage Dictionary of the English Language, Houghton Mifflin, , Quatrième éd. (lire en ligne)
Voir "Otto Preminger or 'Otto the "Ogre?'", in IMDb, 10 juillet 2019 (updated 14 décembre 2020): "Otto Preminger was regarded as a fine artist amongst his fellow directors but to his actors, he was looked upon in a less favourable light. Accusations of bullying and intimidation on many a film set, became rife both during and after Preminger's career. He was given the nickname of "Otto the Ogre" as a result. He is a director primarily known for his American films but his European approach to them is undeniable.".
Thomas Sotinel, « Otto Preminger : une œuvre inégale et inclassable », Le Monde, (lire en ligne).
Édouard Waintrop, « Preminger avant Laura », Libération, (lire en ligne, consulté le ).