Manfred Wehdorn, Mario Schwarz, and Susanne Hayder, Vienna, a Guide to the UNESCO World Heritage Sites, Vienna: Springer, 2004, (ISBN3-211-40863-0), p. 32.
Dietmar Steiner, Johann Georg Gsteu, et al., Architecture in Vienna, Vienna: Prachner, 1990, (ISBN3-85367-050-4), p. 69 describes the architecture as "late Historicist 'Old-German-neo-Baroque.'"
Éva Csenkey, Ágota Steinert, and Piroska Ács, Hungarian Ceramics from the Zsolnay Manufactory, 1853-2001, Bard Graduate Center for Studies in the Decorative Arts, Design, and Culture, New Haven: Yale, 2002, (ISBN0-300-09704-2), p. 172 has pictures of the designs for friezes and niches in bright colors contrasting with a background of cream tile.
Caroline Jäger, Österreichische Architektur des 19. und 20. Jahrhunderts, Vienna: Neuer Wissenschaftlicher Verlag, 2005, (ISBN3-7083-0263-X), p. 142: "die angeblich schon für einen künftigen U-Bahn Aufgang vorgesehen war" - "that was reputedly already intended for a future U-Bahn entrance".
Rob Humphreys, The Rough Guide to Vienna, London: Rough Guides, 2001, p. 47.
Amelia Sarah Levetus(en), Imperial Vienna: An Account of its History, Traditions and Arts, London: Lane, 1905, OCLC 562282684, p. 254.