(en) John Walker, A Critical Pronouncing Dictionary, and Expositor of the English Language... : To which are Prefixed, Principles of English Pronunciation…, Budd and Bartram, (lire en ligne)
(en) The Spirit of Missions, J. L. Powell, (lire en ligne)
(en) Christian Education, Council of Church Boards of Education in the United States of America, (lire en ligne)
(en) Charles R. Schwartz, General Management Series Pamphlet #183 : The Return-on-Investment Concept as a Tool for Decision Making, American Management Association, , 42–61 p. (lire en ligne)
Lon Roberts, « Analysis Paralysis: A Case of Terminological Inexactitude », Defense AT&L, january–february 2010, p. 18–22 (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )
(en) Neema Parvini, Shakespeare and Cognition : Thinking Fast and Slow through Character, Palgrave Macmillan UK, , 52–62 p. (ISBN978-1-349-71308-0, DOI10.1057/9781137543165_5), « 'And Reason Panders Will': Another Look at Hamlet's Analysis Paralysis »
Henry K. Silver et James A. Hecker, « The Pediatric Nurse Practitioner and the Health Associate: New Types of Health Professionals », Journal of Medical Education, vol. 45, , p. 171–176 (lire en ligne, consulté le )
Lon Roberts, « Analysis Paralysis: A Case of Terminological Inexactitude », Defense AT&L, january–february 2010, p. 18–22 (lire en ligne [archive du ], consulté le )