(en) Aditya Nigam et Vishwas Satgar (dir.), Racism After Apartheid : Challenges for Marxism and Anti-Racism, Johannesbourg, Wits University Press, (ISBN978-1-776-14306-1, OCLC1066085459), chap. 6 (« Hindutva, Caste and the ‘National Unconscious’ »), p. 118-119
(en) Eva Wilden, Manuscript, print and memory : Relics of the Caṅkam in Tamilnadu, Berlin, De Gruyter, coll. « Studies in manuscript cultures », (ISBN978-3-11-034089-1, OCLC904949290), III (Transmissional History), chap. 4 (« The Caṅkam Legends »), p. 292-295