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(en) Hunter, John T. Vegetation and flora of the Stonehenge section of the Warialda State Conservation Area :A Report to the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (rapport), (DOI10.13140/RG.2.1.1239.9201, lire en ligne)
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Peter J. Clarke, Kirsten J. E. Knox, Monica L. Campbell et Lachlan M. Copeland, « Post-fire recovery of woody plants in the New England Tableland Bioregion », Cunninghamia, vol. 11, no 2, , p. 221–39 (lire en ligne [archive du ])
Hunter, John T. et Clarke, Peter J., « The vegetation of granitic outcrop communities on the New England Batholith of eastern Australia », Cunninghamia, vol. 5, no 3, , p. 547–615 (lire en ligne [archive du ])
John T. Hunter et Peter J. Clarke, « The Vegetation of Granitic Outcrop Communities on the New England Batholith of Eastern Australia », Cunninghamia, vol. 5, no 3, , p. 547–618 [594] (lire en ligne [archive du ])
John T. Hunter, « Vegetation and flora of Arakoola Nature Reserve, North Western Slopes, New South Wales », Cunninghamia, vol. 8, no 2, , p. 188–201 (lire en ligne [archive du ])
Peter H. Weston et Lawrence Alexander Sydney Johnson, « Taxonomic changes in Persoonia (Proteaceae) in New South Wales », Telopea, vol. 4, no 2, , p. 369–406 [281–83] (DOI10.7751/telopea19914929, lire en ligne)
(en) John T. Hunter, « Vegetation and flora of the Stonehenge section of the Warialda State Conservation Area :A Report to the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service », New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (rapport), (DOI10.13140/RG.2.1.1239.9201, lire en ligne)
(en) Hunter, John T. Vegetation and flora of the Stonehenge section of the Warialda State Conservation Area :A Report to the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (rapport), (DOI10.13140/RG.2.1.1239.9201, lire en ligne)
(en) Hunter, John T. Flora Survey of Kings Plains National Park: A Report to the New South Wales National Parks and Wildlife Service (rapport), (DOI10.13140/RG.2.1.1740.2724, lire en ligne)
Peter J. Clarke, Kirsten J. E. Knox, Monica L. Campbell et Lachlan M. Copeland, « Post-fire recovery of woody plants in the New England Tableland Bioregion », Cunninghamia, vol. 11, no 2, , p. 221–39 (lire en ligne [archive du ])